Crawflowr wrote: » I'm enjoying mine. I like the fact it just sits passively being a watch, but recording all this useful data for me to analyse later. Takes a bit of getting used to, especially when you are having a lazy morning and it keeps poking you to stand up every hour. I'm letting it have it's way for now to see how annoying it is. Already it's beginning to sink into the background of my psyche and my general activity level is creeping up to stop it nagging me, so I guess it is working. The HRM seems to be as accurate as my polar strap and at least the battery doesn't die and need replacing, I just need to charge it every night, and I found wetting up and strapping on the chest strap on the polar became too much like hard work when at the gym, so I stopped bothering. If you get a lot of mail/texts it could be intrusive but mine are at a manageable level so it's useful having the on wrist notification. Not sure I'll ever get used to answering phonecalls by shouting into my wrist though, get very strange looks.