Food and Beverage Industry!

For all of you who work in the Food and Beverage Industry and are trying to drop pounds, my heart goes out to you! I am surrounded by food on a daily basis at work and it is so tempting! I give in...frequently...which is making this journey even harder!


  • I love how lack of will power is then blamed on the place of work or an industry. Right now, there is a cake and two boxes of donuts sitting in my break room. I thought about having one, but it would not fit my macros for the day and I already have some gelato peanut butter chocolate chip cup planned for the day, so I decided against having said donuts and cake. Does this mean that my office is sabotaging me? No, it means they brought in cake and donuts because one of our interns graduated from college over the weekend...

  • I don't think the OP was blaming the workplace but rather just pointing out how hard it is to resist temptation in an attempt to avoid it with the support of others who are surrounded by the same.

    It's great that you have the willpower ndj and I applaud you for it. For a lot of people it's a lot harder to make the right choices when the wrong ones are staring us in the face all day. Does that mean it can't be done? No, of course not. But it doesn't mean that for a lot of people it's not a struggle.

    Is there chocolate in the break room right now that I want to eat? Yes. Will I eat it? Probably won't fit into my calories so no but that doesn't mean it's not hard to say no.