80 carbs/10 protein/10 fat ___Fruitarian diet



  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Doing something like that for 22 days isn't a big deal, assuming you actually can do it. The kicker is what the average person would do for the next 22 days.
  • No thanks. I have a job.
  • This sounds like a job for Freelee the Banana Idiot. 10% protein? Screw that noise.
  • Freelee the banana girl does this whole fruit thing... claims to eat 30 bananas a day....... I tried it for 3 days...... got so sick that it took me months to recover. Others have gotten way worse than I did..... we are talking kidney problems. She claims it can cure everything..... including cancer. Other people just simply got fatter, and she just told them they were doing it wrong.

    It's basically an eating disorder nothing more.

    This. I've spent some time looking into the plan-read both Dr. Campbell and Dr. Graham books on it (Whole, and The 80/10/10 Diet). After reading both and spending time on Dr. Graham's website etc. I walked away feeling very uneasy about the whole thing-seems to be a very distorted and unhealthy woe. Now of course they preach that it's the best/healthiest way to eat but yeah-hang out at the forum on Dr. Graham's site for a while or the forum over at 30bananasaday and it's SCARY :*
  • Pretty sure they linked this diet to being a contributing factor in pancreatic cancer. The super high amounts of fructose damage the pancreas and liver. (Steve Jobs was a fruitarian and died of pancreatic cancer. Imagine that.)

    There is no way a diet that high in carbs and low in protein is good for the body.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves. They had groups in LA an San Diego, and urged it as a "lifestyle" for everyone.

    My New England-dwelling self laughed my glutes off at the notion.

    I don't have a source atm, but yeah, there are some really crazy sects that do crap like that. I believe there is an account of a fruitarian who had a baby, didn't breastfeed it and instead fed it their stupid fruitarian diet, and the baby died.

    People are morons.

    *Edit: Found the source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1542293.stm

    They were spared child cruelty jailtime because their intentions were "loving yet misguided."

    Umm can we say negligence, they were told over and over and they ignored,at some point this childs ill health became obvious and they still ignored. I would say if you want to avoid jail time then you need to agree to be sterilized. Either/or these people are too stupid to be allowed to procreate.

  • Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves. They had groups in LA an San Diego, and urged it as a "lifestyle" for everyone.

    My New England-dwelling self laughed my glutes off at the notion.

    I don't have a source atm, but yeah, there are some really crazy sects that do crap like that. I believe there is an account of a fruitarian who had a baby, didn't breastfeed it and instead fed it their stupid fruitarian diet, and the baby died.

    People are morons.

    *Edit: Found the source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1542293.stm

    They were spared child cruelty jailtime because their intentions were "loving yet misguided."

    Umm can we say negligence, they were told over and over and they ignored,at some point this childs ill health became obvious and they still ignored. I would say if you want to avoid jail time then you need to agree to be sterilized. Either/or these people are too stupid to be allowed to procreate.

    My thoughts exactly. People that stupid certainly don't need to be spreading their genes around like that.
  • jacksonpt wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Doing something like that for 22 days isn't a big deal, assuming you actually can do it. The kicker is what the average person would do for the next 22 days.

    I don't know, I would think going that low in fat and protein and that heavy in carbs would make you feel fairly badly within a few days. It would me, I know. I couldn't eat like that for 1 day. Then again, I do low-carb and I'm speaking for myself only. To each their own!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Doing something like that for 22 days isn't a big deal, assuming you actually can do it. The kicker is what the average person would do for the next 22 days.

    I don't know, I would think going that low in fat and protein and that heavy in carbs would make you feel fairly badly within a few days. It would me, I know. I couldn't eat like that for 1 day. Then again, I do low-carb and I'm speaking for myself only. To each their own!

    Same for me. But I was talking more along the lines of long term physical/metabolic changes. In only 22 days, you're aren't going to do irreparable damage to yourself. So there isn't a significant inherent danger to it. Then, after the 22 days are over, most people will experience some sort of rebound. After which, are they really ahead of the game?

    Sorry I wasn't clear... I wasn't arguing against your post/point.
  • I'd never heard of Fruitarian before but given how imbalanced it is I'm not surprised... I actively ignore nonsense.

    Speaking of nonsense here's an actor who followed the diet for the Steve Jobs movie.


    Ended up in hospital, rather as you'd expect.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Freelee the banana girl does this whole fruit thing... claims to eat 30 bananas a day....... I tried it for 3 days...... got so sick that it took me months to recover. Others have gotten way worse than I did..... we are talking kidney problems. She claims it can cure everything..... including cancer. Other people just simply got fatter, and she just told them they were doing it wrong.

    It's basically an eating disorder nothing more.

    I think she's a fraud, and bulimic or anorexic. Or some combination of the two. She's not eating that much fruit for realz.
  • I love fruit. But my stomach would be all kinds of tore up if that was most of my diet. I'll get those little "personal" sized watermelons and eat the whole thing...and regret it later. It's just so tasty. But that doesn't make it good lol.
  • I didn't read all the responses, but I figured I'd chime in.

    I did the whole "hclf, rawtill4" 80/10/10 thing to a T for a little over a month. Even read the 80/10/10 book by Dr. Graham. It sounded great to me because all the followers tout being able to eat as much as you want and still lose weight. I was naive. I lost 5lbs during that month, but I think it was mostly water weight because when I started eating normally again, my weight pretty much shot back up. Now I just eat whatever I want in a calorie deficit and I've lost 13 of the 20lbs I want to lose. I actually felt that I had quite a lot more energy than normal. Obviously carbs are good for that. The reason I stopped is because I started getting horrible nausea from bananas (maybe some type of intolerance? Idk) and bananas are cheap and were what I was basing all of my smoothies and a lot of my meals with.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's not the worst thing you could do, but you aren't going to lose anymore weight doing it than you would just eating whatever and being in a deficit.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Oh, no.

    Should we start a pool as to when we'll see the first meeting of the "Beyonce fruit diet" and "waist cincher" threads?

    Channel surfing last night and came across a TV ad for one of those things. Anyone seen it? Lord. That thing looks painful. Some sort of double velcro wrap thing. And, people will buy them.
    I was in the 'As Seen on TV' store at the mall and was snarkily perusing the ridiculous 'weight loss' section (green coffee bean pills, wraps, things to make you lose belly fat etc etc) and the helpful young lady came up and asked me if I had any questions about any of the products. I managed to be civil and reply that I was fine, thanks. But what a load of junk they sell!
  • I would pass out. I don't even think I eat fruit unless someone reminds me.
  • Also, I thought fruitarians were like this:
  • jacksonpt wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Doing something like that for 22 days isn't a big deal, assuming you actually can do it. The kicker is what the average person would do for the next 22 days.

    I don't know, I would think going that low in fat and protein and that heavy in carbs would make you feel fairly badly within a few days. It would me, I know. I couldn't eat like that for 1 day. Then again, I do low-carb and I'm speaking for myself only. To each their own!

    Same for me. But I was talking more along the lines of long term physical/metabolic changes. In only 22 days, you're aren't going to do irreparable damage to yourself. So there isn't a significant inherent danger to it. Then, after the 22 days are over, most people will experience some sort of rebound. After which, are they really ahead of the game?

    Sorry I wasn't clear... I wasn't arguing against your post/point.

    No worries! I agree with you. 22 days isn't long enough to do long-term damage.

    The whole aspect of a celebrity endorsing something so unhealthy knowing that people of all ages idolize you is a whole other topic, but that's what gets to me. Many times Beyonce is praised for her body image and promotion of a healthy ideal and then this type of thing happens. Doesn't make sense.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Oh, no.

    Should we start a pool as to when we'll see the first meeting of the "Beyonce fruit diet" and "waist cincher" threads?

    Channel surfing last night and came across a TV ad for one of those things. Anyone seen it? Lord. That thing looks painful. Some sort of double velcro wrap thing. And, people will buy them.
    I was in the 'As Seen on TV' store at the mall and was snarkily perusing the ridiculous 'weight loss' section (green coffee bean pills, wraps, things to make you lose belly fat etc etc) and the helpful young lady came up and asked me if I had any questions about any of the products. I managed to be civil and reply that I was fine, thanks. But what a load of junk they sell!

    I'm not the type of person who could actually pull this off, but wouldn't it be great to respond that yes, you'd like a waist cincher, but you plan to use it wrapped around your head to cover your mouth. That will help you stop eating. And you'd like a bottle of green coffee bean pills, but you'll be using them as suppositories because you heard they work faster that way.
  • From my research, a fruitarian diet, in order to give you all the proper nutrients, would need to be extremely high in calories - in the range of 3000 Cal/day or higher. Even if you could stand eating that amount of fruit, it's only suited for endurance athletes who train at that level, otherwise, you will just end up gaining weight (or if you don't eat enough to have all the calories, then end up with a nutritional deficiency).

    I have lost about 25 lbs since the 3rd week of January, and I do consider myself somewhat of an endurance athlete, but not a professional. I do vigorous swimming for an hour (one day a week), do a spin class for an hour (one day a week) and ride my bike between 50 and 55 miles every week (Satudays and Sundays), average speed of 15-15.5 mph for the entire rides including with wind resistance and climbs. But even I couldn't sustain myself on a fruitarian diet. What I do is I load up on fruits and occasionally other carbs before my rides on the weekends. They keep me fueled through the rides and keep me healthy.

    But otherwise, I have a good intake of fruit (frankly, I'm a sweet freak and fruits are the healthiest way to give my body what it wants), but nothing crazy. I do that in moderation, just as everything else. I eat rice, lentils, meats, fish, eggs, nuts, mixed vegetables, and even cookies and ice cream when I want (but in moderate amounts). I simply couldn't get my nutritional and calorie needs met from fruit alone or fruit primarily,
  • Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves. They had groups in LA an San Diego, and urged it as a "lifestyle" for everyone.

    My New England-dwelling self laughed my glutes off at the notion.

    They suggested a lifestyle eating fruit off of other ppls trees? Round here that's called robbery.

    Meh, I'd rather be a freegan!