80 carbs/10 protein/10 fat ___Fruitarian diet

Has anyone tried this? I just found out about this diet. I love fruit and this might work for me. Has anyone succeeded with this dietary change?


  • My personal experience is that it is very, very hard to mess with the macros. How do you intend to make up for what proteins and fats give you?
  • graywi123 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried this? I just found out about this diet. I love fruit and this might work for me. Has anyone succeeded with this dietary change?

    Whatever floats your boat. If you're only doing it for weight loss, I would strongly advise against it.
  • Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves. They had groups in LA an San Diego, and urged it as a "lifestyle" for everyone.

    My New England-dwelling self laughed my glutes off at the notion.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm sure people have succeeded on every diet, and 80-10-10 types tend to be evangelistic, so I imagine they will be along. However, IMO cutting protein and fat so low on a reduced calorie diet is a terrible idea and results in poor nutrition. You'd do better trying to meet more traditional nutrition recommendations and filling your discretionary calories/carbs with fruit if you love fruit (but make sure to eat veggies too). Many of those who succeed on an 80-10-10 type of ratio tend to be endurance athlete types who have high calorie goals so 10% isn't nearly so low as for an average person, let alone someone on a deficit.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves. They had groups in LA an San Diego, and urged it as a "lifestyle" for everyone.

    My New England-dwelling self laughed my glutes off at the notion.

    I don't have a source atm, but yeah, there are some really crazy sects that do crap like that. I believe there is an account of a fruitarian who had a baby, didn't breastfeed it and instead fed it their stupid fruitarian diet, and the baby died.

    People are morons.

    *Edit: Found the source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1542293.stm

    They were spared child cruelty jailtime because their intentions were "loving yet misguided."
  • That much fruit would probably give me the runs, which would lead to rapid weight loss. Sounds like a solid plan to me.
  • Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves.

    Hmm. That sounds like a cross between a fruitarian and a freegan.

    Ah, what a world!
  • Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves. They had groups in LA an San Diego, and urged it as a "lifestyle" for everyone.

    My New England-dwelling self laughed my glutes off at the notion.

    I don't have a source atm, but yeah, there are some really crazy sects that do crap like that. I believe there is an account of a fruitarian who had a baby, didn't breastfeed it and instead fed it their stupid fruitarian diet, and the baby died.

    People are morons.

    *Edit: Found the source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1542293.stm

    They were spared child cruelty jailtime because their intentions were "loving yet misguided."

    That's really upsetting. I've met a few lovingly and stubbornly misguided people in passing during my 61 long years, and I think they deserve the same penalties as anybody else.
  • lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Don't Fruitarians live off the fruit that grows on trees in people's yards but are on branches overhanging the sidewalk? I saw some documentary about some people that did that, and "Fruitarians" are what they called themselves.

    Hmm. That sounds like a cross between a fruitarian and a freegan.

    Ah, what a world!

    Oh! Maybe they were freegans? IDK, it was a show about odd diet groups. There was a segment on the dumpster-divers (not actual homeless people, but hipsters who live off garbage in Brooklyn) as well. Maybe those are the freegans? Who knows. I just sat there and laughed. Where I live, the bears eat all the garbage, and 9 months out of the year the only "food" one can find overhanging public roadways is pine needles and dirty snow.
  • I'm not sure about Fruitarian and keeping your protein/fat macros quite so low. But you may be interested in something closer to a low fat raw vegan life style.

    I'm not a personal subscriber because my goals require quite a bit more protein than that. And I think the minimum fat macro should be about 35g to keep brain and hormone function. It may work for some, and might be a better idea than just fruit.
  • As someone who is carb sensitive, I wouldn't recommend it. I did the vegan thing years ago and though I was at my smallest, I always was deficient in iron and my protein level was scary low. Not something I'd recommend. Are you active enough to where you can expend all those excess carbs (I know people will debate the carb is a carb thing but extra carbs & limited protein isn't a good thing, at least in my experience).
  • I don't recommend this diet for two major reasons:

    1) That many carbs and (if it comes from fruit) sugars is going to do horrors to your blood sugar. If you also eat at a calorie deficit, you may experience hypoglycemic symptoms: freezing limbs, irritability (like crying for no reason), and gnawing hunger.

    2) You need proteins and fats in your diet to get both your essential amino acids (from protein) and essential fatty acids (from fat.) The word essential in this case means these have to come from your diet. Your body cannot produce them. At a calorie deficit, it is likely you won't be getting enough of these nutrients.*

    Now, these are mostly warnings. There are people who micromanage their diet and nutrient intake enough to make this work, and some people have different needs than others. But be VERY careful. Do your homework. Get a professional involved.

    * The proteins/fats don't have to come from animals, if you are leaning towards a vegan diet for ethical reasons. (Though some people medically can't be on a vegan diet longterm, and getting check ups is a good idea on any diet.)
  • Freelee the banana girl does this whole fruit thing... claims to eat 30 bananas a day....... I tried it for 3 days...... got so sick that it took me months to recover. Others have gotten way worse than I did..... we are talking kidney problems. She claims it can cure everything..... including cancer. Other people just simply got fatter, and she just told them they were doing it wrong.

    It's basically an eating disorder nothing more.
  • As an aside, I was eating a very similar diet to this, plateaued constantly (despite no cheats and daily exercise) and my blood sugar kept crashing, and I was I so cold had to wear a jacket outside during summer... in Texas.

    It took 6 months for me to lose 8lbs. And I was miserable that whole time.
  • Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Oh, no.

    Should we start a pool as to when we'll see the first meeting of the "Beyonce fruit diet" and "waist cincher" threads?
  • Didn't Beyonce do that master cleanse too?
  • lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Didn't Beyonce do that master cleanse too?

    I would think she most likely didn't actually do it but was paid to endorse it.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    Here's why a bunch of misguided people are going to think this is a great diet:


    There is no way that balance of macros could be healthy. What a crock.

    Oh, no.

    Should we start a pool as to when we'll see the first meeting of the "Beyonce fruit diet" and "waist cincher" threads?

    Channel surfing last night and came across a TV ad for one of those things. Anyone seen it? Lord. That thing looks painful. Some sort of double velcro wrap thing. And, people will buy them.
  • With that little protein, how does your body repair itself of even the damage done by daily living? How does the brain function with so little fat for processing?