Struggling with the last few pounds....

I am a husband and the father of two adult girls. I started actively trying to loose weight in August of 2014. At that time, I was 252 lbs. I am now 180 lbs. I have used MFP in conjunction with the Runtastic apps. Dropping the last 5 has been difficult. I feel great at 180, but the goal is 175!!


  • Losing the last few pounds is always the hardest. Best advice is tighten up your nutrition. Can you go a little lower on your calories without putting yourself into starvation mode? That will help. Cut out those cheat meals and those extra bites here and there you might be taking. Eat more green veggies - low in calories, help fill you up, and plenty of fiber to help with digestion. Also, try changing up your routine. If you've been doing just running from the Runtastic apps, add in strength training and/or HIIT. Change in routine can cause a shock on the body and it has to adapt, which can give you more of a transformation. Good luck! You got this!
  • Good luck! You can do it!!!