Small Victory #2.. Water!



  • I so know what you mean. I'm not a water lover either and never have been unless there's coffee and milk mixed in it. however I know I'm dehydrated and suffer alot of headaches so I'm pushing myself to get drinking water. I've found freezing bottles and drinking them as they melt helps :)
  • Awesome! I used to hate water too but I think the key is to always having ice in it when you first get used to it. I freeze water bottles that are half filled and that way its always cold. Also, try throwing a couple cucumbers in it
  • A friend who is a clinical nurse suggested adding flavoring to my water. She said watered down lemonade is good and now I use Pure infusions, which is an eye dropper full of a flavoring that doesn't add calories, but takes the edge of the water.

    I also like my water room temperature, not cold.

    Additionally, I set myself up with a month long challenge about six months ago to drink 8 glasses of water a day and bought a couple of water bottles. After that it became a habit.

    Now I regularly do about 10 glasses and I have a whole collection of water bottles along with a backpack that holds three-liters of water and has a magnetized mouth piece so I can drink while I'm riding my bike.
  • Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and tips! I ended up drinking 9 cups by the end of the day. I think like most anything its just something you gotta get used to. I'm not gonna say "I like" the taste of water now but I definitely don't "hate" it anymore! Plus the hydration seems to be giving me more energy...all these years I've complained about being tired but it just might have been dehydration. Well, it's the water, my new way of eating, or maybe both that's making me more energized. Either way it's a good feeling!