I Need a Mentor. I'm a Extreme Nooby at things like this!

I'm a 35 year old Woman looking to lose weight after a long period of Depression in my life. I have always been thin until now so getting started is a road block right now. I am very committed to the effort required. This is the largest I've ever been and that's saying something because I gave birth to 3 children. LoL


  • I'm not the mentor type. That said, my unsolicited advice is to find quality people that have traveled down the path you're now on. Find people that are traveling alongside you. Allow yourself to stumble and don't beat yourself up over a moment of weakness for a cheat meal...evaluate yourself over the course of a day, a week, a month not just for a single instance. And READ THIS: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants#latest
  • Hi! I'm a 25 years old young woman who is passionate about health. I am training for a triathlon and do Crossfit almost everyday. I would love to help guide you if you'd like. I do not believe in dieting but more in a healthy lifestyle. I had to deal with depression when I was 18-19 years old and some eating disorders through college. I believe that my experiences have helped me become healthier and happier.

    Let me know if you would like me as a mentor!!

  • Happy to help in any way I can. Feel free to add me. You can do this! ankdworak
  • Hi...I'm 60...been through lots of changes. Was thin most of my life but now with age...it's creeped up. All I can say is weight loss is a lot like child birth....everyone has a story...but each is unique. You will do fine but it's your journey and don't get frustrated if something works for one and not for you. Getting motivated is key...that comes from within...and staying on track is even more of a challenge. I think this system keeps you in line with both. It's actually kind of fun. I like the accountability and takes a lot of they mystery of dieting out of the equation. It's no nonsense and you get rewards pretty quickly. Just stay positive and don't beat yourself up if you have a day that doesn't work. I am happy to help in anyway...because I can always use help myself. P.S. Lost 8 pounds so far and it didn't take that long.
  • I'm a 37 year old mom of two who got serious about the fitness/diet thing last year and now I'm a group x instructor! Feel free to friend me if you'd like help!
  • Hi, I've had three kids, largest I've ever been, and have had depression for 20 years. I also have an anxiety disorder that flares up on/off. I am trying to make changes for a healthier life. Feel free to add me! I'm new so not a mentor but could be a support person :)
  • You are somebody at everything you do bc it takes a lot to even get your mind set on fitness. You can do it your not alone. :)