Plateau...been here 3 times

just started losing weight 4 weeks ago and dropped from 188 to 177. I've been here 3 other times before and the lowest mark I've gotten to is 174 but it all plateaus there. I'm determined to break through it this time. My routine is calorie restriction + cheat day. Have incorporated weight training and cut back cardio, which is new. Anyone in the same boat? Tips or motivation to get me past 174 and feeling renewed?


  • Not a plateau at 4 weeks...keep at it
  • I've hit a stop after 7 weeks. For the first four weeks, I lost only 2 or 3 pounds, then 5 pounds dropped off in 2 weeks and now nothing again. I'm consistently under my calorie goal, with only a few small over indulgences. But nothing major. It's doing my head in.
  • BTW it's 174 I'm stuck at as well !! Weird.