Help for a family member

Hi Guys,

Anyone know where to find the old sticky 'roadmap to weight loss'? My cousin (who is not a member here) posted this on her FB feed:

So had a few people messaging me about my fitness journey and what i eat and do ect.
Firstly i DO NOT starve myself ... my average daily intake is as follows
1 cup of coffee... no milk or sugar to start my day.
I will have 2 pieces of fruit or some sort of oats for breakfast.
When i feel hungry i will have a cup of coffee with one sugar to help me through to my next meal.
Lunchtime... it varies but i try stay under 500 calories.
Again another coffee or water .
Dinner ... this will also be under 500 calories but i will have at least one sort of meat in my meal for protein and salad and some sort of carbohydrates.
I will not eat anything after my dinner. No desserts or sweets. Maybe 2 cubes of chocolate or fruit.
That being my daily intake it is also followed by at least 2 hours in the gym 5 days a week. This allows me to keep occupied and stray away from snacking. I have one cheat day... eat what i like but i have completely cut out alcohol until i have hit my target.
I ALSO DO NOT USE SUPPLEMENTS OR PROTEIN BARS OR SHAKES. This is all natural and something i really enjoy. Im making it a lifestyle choice. I do get exhausted but the benefits i feel after 4 weeks are amazing. Iv still had fun and been beyond happy so anyone can do it.

The way I see it, if she is eating round about 1000 calories a day, plus working out for 2 hours 5 times a week, she may be dropping weight and size but she is making her body live on about 500 calories a day. All her friends are high fiving her and congratulating her on her commitment. She has dropped a dress size so she is seeing 'success'. I don't want to be the Debbie downer, but I have serious concerns. If I can't find that sticky to send her, anyone have any suggestions of other links to share with her?


  • I'm not sure were you are getting that she is living on 500 calories. She is living on more than 1000 calories, maybe even 1200 calories. The exercise increases her calorie deficit.
  • Honestly, someone that restrictive probably wouldn't take good advice very well especially since she's losing. This sticky is really good:
  • I understand your concern but I don't see where you think she eats under 1000 calories. She doesn't mention how many oats or carbs or fruit. She also states no sweets or chocolate and then says maybe 2 cubes. I would wager to guess the exercise is casing the calorie deficit and if she's happy and she's an adult, I would stay out of it. If she posts her food log with calorie counts and it really is under 1000 then maybe I would say something.... I take her post as she happy she is losing weight without supplements or shakes.

    Is it possible she is making a point to others who think the only way to lose weight is with supplements and spending tons of money?
  • The 500 calorie count I guestimated is net. I know I burn around 500 calories in a gym session, so guessing she does too. I know from previous posts that her average meal is 300 calories - to a max of 500. If her BMR is say 1200, plus exercise calories, her deficit is HUGE. Anyway, thanks for the link. I agree with strong-curves, it is hard to say something won't work when it is. I just worry as her sister is anorexic and her mum was bulimic and is now morbidly obese. Perhaps it will be wasted information now, but in the future I can only hope she finds a healthier relationship with her body. Thanks all for the advice. :)
  • Hi Guys,

    Anyone know where to find the old sticky 'roadmap to weight loss'? My cousin (who is not a member here) posted this on her FB feed:

    So had a few people messaging me about my fitness journey and what i eat and do ect.
    Firstly i DO NOT starve myself ... my average daily intake is as follows
    1 cup of coffee... no milk or sugar to start my day.
    I will have 2 pieces of fruit or some sort of oats for breakfast.
    When i feel hungry i will have a cup of coffee with one sugar to help me through to my next meal.
    Lunchtime... it varies but i try stay under 500 calories.
    Again another coffee or water .
    Dinner ... this will also be under 500 calories but i will have at least one sort of meat in my meal for protein and salad and some sort of carbohydrates.
    I will not eat anything after my dinner. No desserts or sweets. Maybe 2 cubes of chocolate or fruit.
    That being my daily intake it is also followed by at least 2 hours in the gym 5 days a week. This allows me to keep occupied and stray away from snacking. I have one cheat day... eat what i like but i have completely cut out alcohol until i have hit my target.
    I ALSO DO NOT USE SUPPLEMENTS OR PROTEIN BARS OR SHAKES. This is all natural and something i really enjoy. Im making it a lifestyle choice. I do get exhausted but the benefits i feel after 4 weeks are amazing. Iv still had fun and been beyond happy so anyone can do it.

    The way I see it, if she is eating round about 1000 calories a day, plus working out for 2 hours 5 times a week, she may be dropping weight and size but she is making her body live on about 500 calories a day. All her friends are high fiving her and congratulating her on her commitment. She has dropped a dress size so she is seeing 'success'. I don't want to be the Debbie downer, but I have serious concerns. If I can't find that sticky to send her, anyone have any suggestions of other links to share with her?

    Is she at a healthy weight and still trying to lose a lot of weight?

    I would congratulate her on eating real food instead of relying on shakes, bars and supplements. You can tell her that you found some helpful information and tools on MFP for losing and maintaining weight and talk about what works for you. You can tell her that you have found that you feel even more amazing and energetic when you eat back a portion of your exercise calories and are still able to lose weight. Then leave her be. She is an adult right?

    I wouldn't bomb her with links. She seems already defensive about her plan so someone must have been saying something to her.