365 Days on MFP – From Morbid Obesity to Half Marathons…



  • Yay! Thanks for the inspiration, and great to see what success looks like from another tall girl (I'm almost 6'2") :smile:
  • Thank you again for the kind words. I am happy to share my story.
  • You are amazing. Thank you for renewing my vigour to loose the excess 19 kg that I'm still carrying :)
  • WOWZA!!!! Amazing job :)
  • Amazing job! I love your NSV's. You look amazing. Congrats. :smiley:
  • congrats
  • Wow, this is fantastic and so inspiring. You look amazing! Thanks so much for posting :)
  • Omgosh you are so tiny now! I started to cry :'( I am so proud of you! You are a inspiration!
  • @AShannon54 : this is one of the most impressive transformations I have ever seen! Congratulations to you on all of your hard work paying off in big ways!
  • Amazing, you look incredible and that's such a great story! So happy for you :smile:
  • Wow, you've worked hard to and it's paid off in so many ways! What an inspiring story, so glad you shared it with us all :)
  • Very inspirational! Great job!
  • So, so inspiring. You look amazing.
  • The only way that I could tell that it was you in the first and then final picture is that your smile hasn't changed, except that it looks way happier. Your success is phenomenal and a true inspiration for the 1000s of people who say "this can't be done" or "it's too hard" or "it's not my fault I have bad genes". Excellent work and good luck with maintaining it for a lifetime.
  • Very inspiring! Your starting height, weight, and age are close to mine, so this gives me real hope.
  • You've done such an amazing job! It's stories like this that keep me going on the rough days, so thank you!
  • I'm glad you are healthy and happy now, but you were beautiful before the weight loss too. Not to sound creepy, but you have one of those smiles. :smile:
  • I am very glad to be an inspiration to others! I get nervous when I post something but I wanted to share my story. There were times when other's Success Stories kept me positive, so I wanted to hopefully pay it forward to someone else.

    I am not perfect or better than anyone else. I will still struggle with my own image and foolishly compare myself against others who I think are better than me. I am still just a normal person with my own insecurities. I will never have the perfect tight skin you see in the magazines but the stretch marks are slowly fading and my skin actually bounced back far better than I imagined it would. I will probably always have a little bit of loose belly skin but that is alright. I might never wear a bikini again but I don't feel horrified to be seen in a one-piece anymore!

    I am super encouraged by all your kind words. At times the whole thing seems surreal to me. My before pictures are literately only from 1-3 years. I still bump into old friends from time to time and they seriously don't know who I am. Sometimes I wonder if they think my husband got re-married or something (which always makes me laugh when I think about it!)

    Oh and one last thing... you wouldn't imagine how many people ask or assume I had some type of weight loss surgery. They always want some magic answer on 'how did you do it?'. Everyone always seems so disappointed when I say, "I watched my food intake, cleaned up what I was consuming and started working out". The real magic is unwavering dedication and the ability to understand that short-term gratification will not outweigh long-term results. :)

  • Thanks for posting, this is very inspirational!
  • Wow this has really encouraged me to keep going for my runs! Running is the one exercise I enjoy doing and I don`t jog as often as I like!