365 Days on MFP – From Morbid Obesity to Half Marathons…

Starting Weight: ~ 320lbs – BMI 43.4 (class III obesity)
Maintaining Weight: ~ 170lbs – BMI 23.1 (normal weight)
Total Body Weight Lost: ~47% (almost 150lbs)
Height: 6’0”
Age: 31 / Female

My personal journey is my own and what works for me might not work for others… so I don’t want to go into the nitty-gritty about every aspect of my life. I will say that MFP was a driving factor of my success. I ate healthy portions, started working out and cleaned up the types of food/beverages I was consuming. I focused on this every-single-day. I never gave up and I do everything for myself and not others.

I had my 2nd baby in February of 2014. I reached a new high weight 6 weeks post-delivery at around 320lbs. I was having real issues picking up my baby and keeping up with my other small child. I had enough and I found MFP and created an account. I have maintained around 170lbs for the past 2 months.

My weight loss journey may be over but the new journey of staying healthy and maintaining this new way of life begins. One year of blood, sweat and tears has paid off but I am already learning that keeping it off and maintaining my new lifestyle for the next 70 years is going to be the real challenge!

Good luck to everyone out there and may you find your own personal path to happiness. Here are few of my best NSV’s from the last year and before and after pics!

• Average 15-20 miles weekly on runs (started with C25K free phone app)
• Completed 4 different 5K’s Races, a 5 Mile Race, two 10Ks, a 10-Mile Race and two Half Marathons.
• I won 3rd Place in my age division in the Biggest Loser Half Marathon in April with 9:00min average miles.
• I signed up for my 1st ‘IronGirl’ triathlon in June.
• I bike and swim laps at least once a week.
• Not scared to do strength training in the ‘guys’ side of the gym.
• I no longer shop at a Plus-Size ladies store.
• OMG… I wear ‘real’ jeans out of a ‘regular’ person store (and they look good on me).
• I can go to sporting events and concerts and not fear if my butt will fit in the tiny seats.
• And most importantly of all… I can’t get enough of playing with my boys at the playgrounds. I show them how to climb, go down slides and swing with them. I take them out in the jogging stroller through the parks. I can sit next to them on the tiny kid train. I can throw them up in the air. I hold their arms and swing them in circles. I can’t tell you the amount of joy I get playing with them.




  • Congratulations on your success! If this doesn't inspire someone, I don't know what will!
  • AWESOME job! You look amazing.
  • Really well accomplished - the smile says it all.
  • Wow you look fab, well done.
  • Absolutely amazing, well done!
  • Amazing...very inspiring..just in time for me
  • Thank you for posting!!! :) what an amazing transformation. Love the list of NSVs too!
  • Thank you all for the kind words! I got a little bit emotional pulling the whole post together. I never really summed it all up like that before.
  • Amazing work! I hope I can do as well as you. Many congratulations!
  • Awesome....simply awesome!!! Its posts like this that gives those of us just starting on this journey inspiration and motivation. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with all of us! I am at 121 days, 35 lbs lighter and counting! :-)
  • khill5555 wrote: »
    Awesome....simply awesome!!! Its posts like this that gives those of us just starting on this journey inspiration and motivation. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with all of us! I am at 121 days, 35 lbs lighter and counting! :-)

    Keep up the good work! I always doubted myself but I just kept going forward. If you put in the work and stay at it... results will follow. :)

  • You've done an amazing job! Congratulations on your success!
  • Amazing! Nice work! :)
  • Ahhhhhhhhhhhh-amazing! Wow!
  • WOW! Cograts on your hard work and dedication! you look amazing!!
  • Wow, you are amazing! Thanks for sharing your story! I love how you wrote your story
  • wow. I hope to be there one day. What a great story.
  • How did you do it? Calorie counting and running?
  • Now that is living the dream! Well done, what an inspiration :)
  • How did you do it? Calorie counting and running?

    I didn't start out running but that is the primary cardio workout I have gravitated to. I started out with Wii Fit, and then Wii Cardio Boxing and just plain old walking. I started running at about 280lbs using the C25K (Couch to 5K) app on my phone. The weight started to melt off when I began to run.

    Calorie Counting was a huge eye opener for me. I had no idea how many calories I was consuming before MFP and it was flat out shocking to me after using MFP for one full week. MFP taught me what healthy portions actually look like and helped me identify the 'calorie-bombs' in my life.