Meta-Nutrient Deficiency Psychosis

You know that moment where you say to yourself "i would murder a baby seal right now and drink its insides if only it was made of carbs." How do you deal with the bloodlust cravings?


  • Hahaha, I think eating carbs in this case is superior to murdering baby anythings.
  • your header is brilliant :D
  • Drink water, drink water, drink water - and avoid baby seals. And sometimes I find pics of amazing desserts and send them to a fellow mf pal - and we share in the beauty - and then drink more water.
  • I just eat carbs. As long as I've hit my protein and fat goals and I have calories left, I'll go ahead and carb it up.
  • I now want to start a line of bumper stickers called "Worst Bumper Stickers Ever!"

    One would be: "Baby Seals Don't Taste as Good as Thin Feels."

    But I recommend maybe having some carbs. Log them. Save the seals.
  • This thread has me wondering whatever happened to Ferdinand, a stuffed baby seal I used to have when I was a preteen.

    Anyway, OP, just have some carbs, you wouldn't want Ferdinand's real life friends to be in danger from you!!!

    Are you low carbing? Did you just start?
  • I make sure my macros are set up appropriately. Zero carb cravings.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    This thread has me wondering whatever happened to Ferdinand, a stuffed baby seal I used to have when I was a preteen.

    Anyway, OP, just have some carbs, you wouldn't want Ferdinand's real life friends to be in danger from you!!!

    Are you low carbing? Did you just start?

    I'm 8 weeks in (second cut cycle). My cycle allows for carbs on the weekend but very little during the week (5%). It hits sometimes in waves but I know its my body going through the cycle. Doesn't make me less nuts.