Eating less and moving more no loss



  • aimeerace wrote: »
    Again how am I arguing? I answered the questions being asked at the best of my ability, yet you for some reason feel superior to add your "suggestions". No I'm not losing weight hence the post? However I understand its just how theme is around here.

    I'm not superior. I've been where you are. Eating a rubbish diet and wondering why I wasn't losing weight. I came here and listened and now I'm losing. Simples.

    I'm not trolling. I'm a jokey person by nature and if you aren't I do apologise but listen to what people are saying here. They have great advice and you CAN lose if you take it.

    Thanks for the apology.

    According to the various replies it seems I need to eat more? That just doesn't seem plausible or logical but I will do it.

    Not necessarily more per se, but definitely need to add in some vegetables and fruit...a few more carbs wouldn't hurt to balance things out too (though certainly people can and do have success on low carb diets).

    Also, need to take steps to more accurately track what you're eating. Many people (myself included) can get away with eyeballing portions, etc. But if you're not losing the first step in rectifying that is to establish an accurate baseline and tighten up your measurements so that can be ruled out as a cause.
  • aimeerace wrote: »
    Again how am I arguing? I answered the questions being asked at the best of my ability, yet you for some reason feel superior to add your "suggestions". No I'm not losing weight hence the post? However I understand its just how theme is around here.

    I'm not superior. I've been where you are. Eating a rubbish diet and wondering why I wasn't losing weight. I came here and listened and now I'm losing. Simples.

    I'm not trolling. I'm a jokey person by nature and if you aren't I do apologise but listen to what people are saying here. They have great advice and you CAN lose if you take it.

    Thanks for the apology.

    According to the various replies it seems I need to eat more? That just doesn't seem plausible or logical but I will do it.

    That is your takeaway from this......?

    You don't need to eat more. If you were truly only taking in 800-1200 calories per day you'd be losing weight.

    You're not measuring, so something is off in the way you estimate when entering your logs.
  • aimeerace wrote: »
    Again how am I arguing? I answered the questions being asked at the best of my ability, yet you for some reason feel superior to add your "suggestions". No I'm not losing weight hence the post? However I understand its just how theme is around here.

    I'm not superior. I've been where you are. Eating a rubbish diet and wondering why I wasn't losing weight. I came here and listened and now I'm losing. Simples.

    I'm not trolling. I'm a jokey person by nature and if you aren't I do apologise but listen to what people are saying here. They have great advice and you CAN lose if you take it.

    Thanks for the apology.

    According to the various replies it seems I need to eat more? That just doesn't seem plausible or logical but I will do it.

    No. Your take away from this thread should be to start measuring, weighing and logging your food accurately. The suggestions to eat a more varied diet would be helpful for your health, but you can lose weight eating what you're eating. I'm just pretty sure you're eating way more of it than you think you are.
  • The only drinking vessels in our house that hold as little as 8 ounces are some coffee cups. Actual glasses are between 16 and 32 ounces. At 160 calories per cup of raw milk, a 16 ounce glass is 320 calories. Two glasses a day is 640 calories. And so on. You might want to double check the size of that glass.
  • How did you come up with "eat more" as the summary of this thread?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Weight loss = eating LESS calories then you burn
    Maintenance = eating the SAME amount of calories then you burn
    Weight gain = eating MORE calories then you burn


    The result depends on, weight, age, time, how tall your are, gender, and or medical conditions etc.
    But when you eat less than you burn you WILL lose weight.

    As long as you weigh ALL your solid food on a food scale and know how many calories you consume daily.
    Log EVERYTHING you eat here on MFP
    Be honest in your logging and patient.

    Here a short video about the miscalculation when you NOT weigh your food.

    And to be honest ( my personal opinion) i would choose for a more healthy ( read nutrition ) intake.
  • aimeerace wrote: »
    Again how am I arguing? I answered the questions being asked at the best of my ability, yet you for some reason feel superior to add your "suggestions". No I'm not losing weight hence the post? However I understand its just how theme is around here.

    I'm not superior. I've been where you are. Eating a rubbish diet and wondering why I wasn't losing weight. I came here and listened and now I'm losing. Simples.

    I'm not trolling. I'm a jokey person by nature and if you aren't I do apologise but listen to what people are saying here. They have great advice and you CAN lose if you take it.

    Thanks for the apology.

    According to the various replies it seems I need to eat more? That just doesn't seem plausible or logical but I will do it.

    Well honestly, you need to weigh your food, but you should start with a higher baseline for calories. Your goal should NOT be 800-1200 calories. Set your account to 1 lb per week. And if you exercise, you are supposed to eat some extra calories.

  • aimeerace wrote: »
    Again how am I arguing? I answered the questions being asked at the best of my ability, yet you for some reason feel superior to add your "suggestions". No I'm not losing weight hence the post? However I understand its just how theme is around here.

    I'm not superior. I've been where you are. Eating a rubbish diet and wondering why I wasn't losing weight. I came here and listened and now I'm losing. Simples.

    I'm not trolling. I'm a jokey person by nature and if you aren't I do apologise but listen to what people are saying here. They have great advice and you CAN lose if you take it.

    Thanks for the apology.

    According to the various replies it seems I need to eat more? That just doesn't seem plausible or logical but I will do it.

    You are already taking in more calories than you think or you would be losing weight. You need to be accurate first in your logging. You need to get a food scale, measuring cups, etc and use them. A drinking glass or coffeee cup is not a measurement device. You need to log everything like butter or oils used in cooking. You need to choose accurate entries.

    You can lose weight eating only eggs, chicken and milk in the appropriate portions. It would be a seriously good move for your health to include more foods in your diet that provide more nutrients.

    I'm curious what you have changed about your diet. Before trying to lose weight, what did you eat?
  • kriskrey wrote: »
    You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".
    This is correct and if you eat the same thing every day that's not healthy

  • No I do not weigh my food. I just eat 6 or 7 eggs a day and add a chicken thigh ( skinned) to my breakfast or my dinner.

    That is A LOT of cholesterol...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    haiz99 wrote: »
    kriskrey wrote: »
    You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".
    This is correct and if you eat the same thing every day that's not healthy

    First post and you're 0 for 1. OP got the idea that they need to eat more because of this person spouting the starvation mode myth, and the "eat more to weigh less" representative who came in and made their obligatory post on every thread where someone is claiming to eat very little and not losing.

    The simple truth is that, unless you are a severely malnourished individual who weighs 70 lbs, you are not maintaining your weight on 800 - 1000 calories. You are eating much more than you think, and as numerous people said, it is a logging issue. The issue is so bad I'm betting you are eating double what you think in calories since you are in maintenance.

    You need to eat less to lose if you're not losing, obviously, and get a real calorie count of what you've actually been eating. Yes, you could have a medical issue that is slowing your metabolism as well, but it wouldn't be enough to make you maintain on 800 calories a day.
  • haiz99 wrote: »
    kriskrey wrote: »
    You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".
    This is correct and if you eat the same thing every day that's not healthy

    Starving people do not experience difficulty losing weight.

    Yes, eating 800 or 1000 calories is not healthy. But the OP is not only eating that amount so it's a moot point for this thread.
  • haiz99 wrote: »
    kriskrey wrote: »
    You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".
    This is correct and if you eat the same thing every day that's not healthy

  • No I do not weigh my food. I just eat 6 or 7 eggs a day and add a chicken thigh ( skinned) to my breakfast or my dinner.

    That is A LOT of cholesterol...

    The good news is, dietary cholesterol =/= cholesterol found in the body. In fact, there has been some studies that would suggest low cholesterol diets can increase body cholesterol.
  • Sounds like OP did a flounce. Hopefully they can find a paleo forum somewhere that can give feedback more suited to her unorthodox diet, but they'll still probably tell them to do a better job weighing and measuring food. It's really a lot more likely OP is eating far more than they think.
  • Sounds like OP did a flounce. Hopefully they can find a paleo forum somewhere that can give feedback more suited to her unorthodox diet, but they'll still probably tell them to do a better job weighing and measuring food. It's really a lot more likely OP is eating far more than they think.

    Or maybe I had other things to do? ????? Chores have to get done somehow? My word. What does paleo have to do with anything? Maybe I will check them out..folks there may are a bit more helpful. With less sarcastic remarks.
  • Weight loss = eating LESS calories then you burn
    Maintenance = eating the SAME amount of calories then you burn
    Weight gain = eating MORE calories then you burn


    The result depends on, weight, age, time, how tall your are, gender, and or medical conditions etc.
    But when you eat less than you burn you WILL lose weight.

    As long as you weigh ALL your solid food on a food scale and know how many calories you consume daily.
    Log EVERYTHING you eat here on MFP
    Be honest in your logging and patient.

    Here a short video about the miscalculation when you NOT weigh your food.

    And to be honest ( my personal opinion) i would choose for a more healthy ( read nutrition ) intake.

    i repeat my own words
    Nothing nasty, sarcastic there.

    Just simple and plain. Everybody loses when you eat less than you burn.

    You eat more then you think
    Start weighing ALL your solid food on a food scale!

  • Sounds like OP did a flounce. Hopefully they can find a paleo forum somewhere that can give feedback more suited to her unorthodox diet, but they'll still probably tell them to do a better job weighing and measuring food. It's really a lot more likely OP is eating far more than they think.

    Or maybe I had other things to do? ????? Chores have to get done somehow? My word. What does paleo have to do with anything? Maybe I will check them out..folks there may are a bit more helpful. With less sarcastic remarks.

    I wasn't being sarcastic, I saw on another discussion that you said you were done with MFP. Thought you flounced.

    People on a paleo diet focus primarily on meats, eggs, oils and seeds. They do also eat veggies, but emphasis is heavily on protein sources. A paleo forum might have more useful advice on how to maximize this way of eating, since MFP 'culture' is really not paleo-friendly.

    And measuring your foods is still important. If you want to lose weight you have to be sure of how much you're eating in the first place, so you can be sure you really are eating at a deficit.
  • For those asking what I took away or learned from this. It's that not to ask questions here. Those that did try to help thank you I sincerely appreciate it.

    I only eat two meals a day usually, then some days I'll eat 3 meals. Yesterday was a good example. No breakfast, 4 farm fresh boiled eggs for lunch, dinner was 2 eggs with 3 strips of bacon. No salt added except for what the bacon or butter may have. Drank water most of the day then had a glass of milk. Followed by my usual chores. I eat the foods I like whole, fresh, no package foods. While it might be boring to some I'm satisfied with it. Always been that way even when i was younger just a plaine jane. The point is I'm trying to better myself and be healthy before I really reach a critical point in my weight. I never want to see 170 on the scale again. Been 150 my whole life now over the past year I've been rocking 165-160. Still not something I want to see on the scale nor feel in my clothes. I'm trying to be patient 2 months I feel is enough. ...I'll stop I don't even know why I'm writing this. I'm pretty sure it will get picked apart too.

  • Maybe your chickens are laying bigger eggs this year.