Eating less and moving more no loss

So I eat roughly between 800 to 1200 a day. My drinks are raw milk or water. My exercise is walking and any farm work I do feeding watering etc. I take the stairs at work ( work on the third floor) park in the farthest area of the parking lot. All foods I cook are from home, chicken, fresh pasture eggs, etc. Rabbit when it comes in season. If I do a "cheat" day I eat nothing else but that meal for the whole day and drink plenty of water.

Made a goal in May to lose 20lbs in 3 months needless to say it didn't happen. I'm a female 5'3" and weigh 163 - 166.00. My goal is to be in the 130's again.

I tried looking at the TDEE but found it confusing the MFP calculator stated 1200 cals for me to lose? Yet nothing but my patience.


  • are you using a food scale to weight all solid foods?
  • Are you weighing your food on a digital kitchen scale and logging it accurately?
  • Make your diary public, people can help you more.

    That's a really low amount of calories, you could lose weight on more than that.
  • No I do not weigh my food. I just eat 6 or 7 eggs a day and add a chicken thigh ( skinned) to my breakfast or my dinner.
  • You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".
  • All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?
  • If you stick to 1200, you will lose weight. But since you think you are eating 800 calories, there is something you aren't logging correctly.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    And raw milk too.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    kriskrey wrote: »
    You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".


    (the starvation mode thing...I agree it's not good to eat so few calories)
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)

  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    And raw milk too.

    Yeap love my raw milk. I'll have a glass in the morning and sometimes in the evening. But mostly water, I HATE soda's.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)

    How long have you been doing this?
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)


    Why what?

    Please do yourself a favor and follow this program. You need to eat more than you are right now.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)


    Why what?

    Why would you eat such a massively unvaried & restrictive diet?
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    And raw milk too.

    Yeap love my raw milk. I'll have a glass in the morning and sometimes in the evening. But mostly water, I HATE soda's.

    How many calories are you ingesting in raw milk? I'm not sure how big your glasses are.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    And raw milk too.

    Yeap love my raw milk. I'll have a glass in the morning and sometimes in the evening. But mostly water, I HATE soda's.

    How big is your glass?

    If you don't measure your food, there is no way of knowing how much you are really eating.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)


    Why what?

    Why would you eat such a massively unvaried & restrictive diet?

    Not to mention complete lack of many nutrients, fiber, etc.
  • First, why you would only eat 800-1200 calories, or realistically, why would you aim to eat the little. With 23lbs to lose and being active, you probably need closer to 1500-1700 pre-exercise. MFP is giving you 1200 as you probably have i set to 2 lbs per week and sedentary, when it should probably be 1 lb per week and lightly active.

    Having that, cleaning up your logging practices would be ideal. So getting a food scale would be great. Since these are all farmed products, you will have to find entries that are close (typical large eggs are 70-100 calories, skinless chicken breast is roughly 40 calories per ounce for white meat).

    Also, how long have you been trying to lose weight?