please need help

Hi everyone, I'm new too nutrition.... This new journey is very exciting but it can be a headache sometimes because I still have not found a base.... I'm 510 , and iv been weight lifting for 2 years now, I'm trying to lose fat but maintene the muscles I currently have... My question is ... How many calories should I consume .... Carbs fat protein , according to this app I need to eat more carbs then protein ... But doesn't eating more carbs get you fatter ??? Help please


  • Carbohydrates don't make you fat. Eating more calories than you burn is what causes you to gain weight.
  • Carbohydrates don't make you fat. Eating more calories than you burn is what causes you to gain weight.

    This ^
  • Carbs give you the energy that you need to work out in order to loose weight.

    Protein is what (essentially) lays down what is to become your new muscle to help you burn more calories in order to loose weight.

    Fat in your diet is a form of energy (calorie) that is slow burning. This is used up last and stored up first, whereas carbs are a quick burning form of energy so they are burned up first. Unless you are not using that energy. Unused calories are stored for later use...and the only way the body stores them is as fat.

    It doesn't matter where unused calories come from - fat, carbs or protein....if the calories are not used, they are stored as fat.

    Btw, I'm new to MFP myself. If you'd like, feel free to add me as a friend (anyone).
  • It isn't hard brother. Read this thread from page 1:

    Don't over complicate it. If you want to lose the fat, you're going to lose some muscle...that's just what happens when you go on a cut. The question is, how fast do you want to lose the fat? The slower you take to lose the fat, the less muscle mass you'll lose. So take your time.
  • If you are trying to shed weight for a bit you may want to go heavy on protein, lighter on carbs and lower on fat... then switch it up down the road to more carbs... Happy to help in any way I can. Feel free to add me. ankdworak
  • Thank you fitness family , I really appreciate the answers !
  • Read this and learn:

    No need to read all the replies (tho some of them are very informative) just focus on the first post by @SideSteel