111 lbs gone :)



  • Totally fantastic!! :smile:
  • Hi! Im 5 ft 2 and my starting weight was 315lbs..I am now down to 204. Been since March 2014. Im on a mini plateau right now (about a month) and I have 40lbs more Id like to drop :)

    Hugs, Marla
    Marla... you are fabulous!
  • Fabulous. You should be very proud!
  • That is so inspiring :)
  • You are amazing! Well done! Any tips for the rest of us?
  • You are beautiful! Keep up the great job! You are the definition of dedication and determination!
  • You looks great! Congratulations on all the hard work.
  • Awesome!
  • Great job!!! :)
  • Congratulations, great job!
  • Wow! Congratulations!
  • You look AMAZING!!! Congratulations on your progress so far!
  • Wow - great job!
  • You look fantastic- great job! This is so inspiring, thanks for posting :)
  • Amazing!
  • Tremendous job! So inspiring.
  • Awesome! Transformation is incredible. As someone aiming to lose 110 pounds, stories and pics like yours are what make me believe that the impossible really is possible after all. You go girl!
  • You look great!! What an inspiration you are. Thank you for sharing.
  • Thank you so much!!! The only tips I can give is give up regular soda (I have a diet sprite once in a while) and limit pasta..if you can have reasonable amounts of pasta, thats great! I cant stop at a serving size of spaghetti lol.. I still have it, but very rarely. Get a digital food scale and weigh your food when you can. Want sweets? Have some but have half what you used to eat, like on a saturday or something. Or substitute something for a candy bar..like, right now , I love Luna bars. 180 calories as opposed to 250 and at least youre getting protein :) And move more. I lost my first 40lbs without exercise because I couldnt. I was so out of shape plus, I was a truck driver so that involved a lot of sitting. Good luck and happy trails to all of you!! <3
  • Great job you look amazing!