Looking for friends who have had Thyroid Cancer or issues with Thyroid.

Hi, My name is Dave and I have been here with MFP for over 3 years with great success and sometimes not so great.

Last week my DR found a lump in my throat and I had an ultrasound. They found a 3.8cm nodule on my right thyroid and recommended I get a biopsy. I had my biopsy yesterday and I am now awaiting the results. She said that half of my nodule was cystic and half was mass. Not sure if that good or bad. I was scared at first but after seeing the dr. I feel better about my chances either way. I still may lose my thyroid even if it’s not cancer due to the size. I would love to add any friends who have been through thyroid cancer or been through scary thyroid issues themselves. I also welcome anyone no matter if you have had thyroid issues or not.

I am in good spirts but would love to talk with people who have been in this situation before.


  • I have been trying to join the one of the Thyroid Groups here but the site does not let me search for groups....lol only can browse which as you may know there are thousands of support groups....lol
  • Hi there, I had my thyroid taken out when I was 18 years old. It was VERY large.
  • I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2013 and had my whole thyroid removed and did radioactive iodine treatment. I was considered high risk due to my age- I was 49 when diagnosed. 2 years later all is good and I do annual scans to make sure. Cancer is a scary word but luckily most types of thyroid cancer are very treatable. If you are looking for a group to join there is a thyroid cancer survivors group on Facebook - very knowledgeable people there! Since my diagnosis I really don't feel any different than before - better or worse. Surgery was much easier than anticipated and I was back to work in a week. Stay positive and best of luck to you!
  • If you do find the group on this site, please let me know so I can join!
  • Thank you for your thoughts. It helps alot!
  • I have thyroid cysts. I see an endocrinologist at least once a year; sometimes more often if one of the cysts changes size. Thyroid cancer is very slow growing so I don't stress over it much. I just keep up with the appointments.

    Early on I was on synthroid for years. Great stuff! No weight issues at all. But I finally realized it wasn't really doing anything for the cysts and asked the doc whether we should stop and she said yes.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Thyroid cancer (metastatic, papillary) survivor here (Jan 2011). Done a total thyroidectomy, RAI treatment and so far no evidence of disease...but it's always in the back of my mind. It's been a struggle to lose weight...but I seem to be on to something with low carb, high protein...it's working!!! I'm a newbie to Myfitnesspal and am finding it extremely helpful to keep the diary...Here's to success...feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Thank you again for your stories!
  • My wife had thyroid cancer in 2008 at age 40, she had her thyroid removed and went through radioactive iodine treatment. She gets checked every year and has been good to go. She takes a once daily medication and will for life. Good luck to you, i'm sure it will all go fine for you!
  • I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer circa 2010, and was successfully treated with surgery (thyroidectomy) and with radioactive iodine therapy. Mine was very aggressive and had even spread into some of my nodes, but I'm cancer free now, due to an amazing medical team of endocrinologists, surgeons and radiologists. It is somewhat of a challenge to keep the weight off afterwards, but it is possible. My Fitness Pal is an enormous help. I agree that the whole experience is scary, but the good news is that thyroid cancer is treatable. There is a wonderful organization called THYCA that offers a cookbook that was extremely helpful when I was on the low iodine diet for the radioactive iodine therapy. They offer other support as well. I recommend checking them out.