Protein Powder for Weight Loss?

I was wondering if it is good to drink protein powder after a workout while trying to loose weight, or if it is usually just for building muscle. What are the benefits? Is protein powder usually high in calories or carbs? Is it worth it?
Sorry, I'm new at this :)


  • Protein powder is a supplement, just like any other supplement. If you think you are not getting enough protein in your diet, it could be beneficial. There are different kinds of protein supplements, some higher calorie than others. It does not make any difference to your weight loss journey besides the number of calories in it.

    I personally use protein powders and protein bars because I am lazy and don't get enough protein otherwise.
  • Protein powder doesn't help you lose weight. It has calories like anything else. And, like anything else, if you consume too much of it, you'll gain weight. Calories in, calories out.

    It might help you hit your protein macros if you have trouble doing so. For people who are strength training in a calorie deficit, consuming enough protein is important to help preserve lean muscle mass.

    But if you prefer to simply hit your protein macro with food, that's fine too.
  • I have a protein shake in the morning on my way to work mostly because I have a hard time hitting my protein goal. Whether or not they are high in calories depends on your definition of that but mine is about 280 calories for 50 grams in protein.

    They are not high in carbs because it's pretty much pure protein. At least what I use is and I think that's typical.

    I don't know what you mean by is it worth it.
  • It does not (by itself) help you lose weight. It does not (by itself) help you build muscle.

    It only helps you get more protein in your diet if you aren't getting enough through your regular diet.
  • ceoverturf wrote: »
    It does not (by itself) help you lose weight. It does not (by itself) help you build muscle.

    It only helps you get more protein in your diet if you aren't getting enough through your regular diet.


    If you look at my diary you see protein powder in my morning smoothie...summer only as I eat eggs/cheese/ham/bacon in the winter time for protein.
  • And, personally, with so few calories to eat during the day, I prefer to maximize my enjoyment of every single one of those calories by saving them for foods I like, as opposed to spending them on powder that tastes chalky or (best case scenario) is essentially tasteless.

    To each her own. But that's just me.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    segacs wrote: »
    And, personally, with so few calories to eat during the day, I prefer to maximize my enjoyment of every single one of those calories by saving them for foods I like, as opposed to spending them on powder that tastes chalky or (best case scenario) is essentially tasteless.

    I don't get where this chalky and tasteless stuff comes from. Even if I just mix mine with water it tastes great. Mix it with 2% milk and it's delicious. If I have a bunch of calories left over at the end of the day I will mix with 2% and two tables spoons and peanut butter and it's freaking heaven!
  • I just mix mine with milk and then it's chocolate milk. Like Quik but with more protein.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    With whole food alone, I fall short of my protein goal often, by around 30-40g. Especially if I decide to have cereal for breakfast instead of eggs or something. I like to have a protein shake a couple times a week to help that... One scoop of the kind I use has ~26g of protein for ~110 calories (I weigh my scoops, so it's different every day, but the "standard serving" gets you the 26g/110 cals). I mix it with unsweetened cashew milk which is super low cal and helps me hit my calcium goal everyday.

    I like it, too, it's quite tasty (the protein shake). The kind I use is a little pricey (~$40 on Amazon) for around 30 servings in a tub, but since I don't use it everyday, it's a pretty good value for me - and comes out to ~$1.35 a serving.

    I like to have one in the locker room after I workout if I don't have a lot of calories left in the day, because it will satisfy me quickly and stop me from pulling into the drive thru on the way home (I pass two, and a grocery store, and a Subway... etc.)
  • ncboiler89 wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    And, personally, with so few calories to eat during the day, I prefer to maximize my enjoyment of every single one of those calories by saving them for foods I like, as opposed to spending them on powder that tastes chalky or (best case scenario) is essentially tasteless.

    I don't get where this chalky and tasteless stuff comes from. Even if I just mix mine with water it tastes great. Mix it with 2% milk and it's delicious. If I have a bunch of calories left over at the end of the day I will mix with 2% and two tables spoons and peanut butter and it's freaking heaven!

    100% agree. I will sometimes just have it in almond milk, but if I have a bunch of extra calories left over towards evening, and the biggest shortage is protein, I will mix protein powder, almond milk, greek yogurt and strawberries and/or bananas together. Stick in freezer and stir every 30 to 45 minutes. By 7:30 my eating window is closing so I will have that tasty concoction as a cold/semi frozen treat.

    If I am just short on protein and don't have many calories left over I will just mix it with water. Still pretty tasty but not as good as with Almond Milk or as a treat.
  • I was wondering if it is good to drink protein powder after a workout while trying to loose weight, or if it is usually just for building muscle. What are the benefits? Is protein powder usually high in calories or carbs? Is it worth it?
    Sorry, I'm new at this :)

    It's just a supplement...if you aren't hitting your protein targets with food, you can supplement with a protein powder. Just a supplement, nothing more, nothing less.

    Some of them are nasty, some are delicious. I use Optimum Nutrition Whey Isolate in chocolate and it's awesome. I prefer to drink mine with 1% milk but sometimes I settle for water.
  • Anyone that says protein tastes chauky probably hadn't had a protein shake in a very long time there are soo...many flavors out there and they are great. Also protein will not reduce your weight but will help reduce your size by retaining muscle that you worked so hard for.
  • I was wondering if it is good to drink protein powder after a workout while trying to loose weight, or if it is usually just for building muscle. What are the benefits? Is protein powder usually high in calories or carbs? Is it worth it?
    Sorry, I'm new at this :)

    After a workout, it's for muscle repair. Other than this, it helps you meet your protein needs.

    Weight loss is calories in/calorie out.
  • segacs wrote: »
    And, personally, with so few calories to eat during the day, I prefer to maximize my enjoyment of every single one of those calories by saving them for foods I like, as opposed to spending them on powder that tastes chalky or (best case scenario) is essentially tasteless.

    To each her own. But that's just me.

    The one I drink after weight lifting is delicious, but most of them do taste icky. One brand of protein drink made me break out in spots. Seriously. Returned that one to the store pretty quickly.
  • ncboiler89 wrote: »
    I don't get where this chalky and tasteless stuff comes from. Even if I just mix mine with water it tastes great. Mix it with 2% milk and it's delicious. If I have a bunch of calories left over at the end of the day I will mix with 2% and two tables spoons and peanut butter and it's freaking heaven!

    Taste is personal, so it's sort of silly to debate that point. If you enjoy that, then hey, keep doing what you're doing.

    Lots of people enjoy things that I don't like. I can't stand Quest bars either, and they're extremely popular on these forums. Or, hey, even McDonald's, which millions of people seem to enjoy but I can't abide the thought of.

    We're all different, eh?
  • I enjoy them, but especially use the protein powder to create snacks with a higher protein content because I find them to be more filling (power balls, increase the protein content in mini-muffins, etc.).

    My high-energy husband lost about 30-40 lbs several years ago and one thing that helped him was adding protein powder, chia seeds and hemp seeds to his Greek yogurt and fruit that he eats sometime in the morning. It tides him over for hours. He is very fit, works out daily and lean with defined muscles - kept the weight off easily for at least 3 years now.

    Like others have said, the powders don't make you lose weight, but they can be a helpful tool as you optimize your eating plan.