Low calorie food items...

Hi everyone. I'm having trouble coming up with some light calorie snacks and food for the day. Anyone have any foods that they've found our low in calories but big on taste?


  • well I guess more information is needed really.

    Define low calorie?

    for me I don't do much snacking during the day.

    I eat a greek yogurt (either coconut or cherry) late in the afternoon as I workout after work and I eat a bar of milk chocolate at night...

    Both of those are under 240 calories a serving...the yogurt is 100 the bar is 240.
  • Hartleys jelly 10 calorie a pot

    Nimble bread 51 calorie a slice
  • Thanks guys! I really love this app lol

    I am just new to this whole calorie counting thing basically. I was just curious to see what ppl are doing.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Vegetables are super low calorie. A whole cucumber is like 24 calories, 4 sweet peppers 25 calories, and celery is super low. You can eat so much and get full! And if they aren't your favorite, you don't need to feel as bad dipping them in hummus or a ranch dressing since they are so low cal.
  • Thanks. Yeah, I definitely need to start eating veggies. I've always been against them, but it's needed.
  • I have grapes most days - 67 cals in 100g.

    Salad bits are good as above - lettuce, cucumber, bell peppers, celery. You can have a plate of salad so big you get bored eating it for very few cals. :smile:

    I eat a lot of snacks and have smaller meals - that just works for me. Some people have three larger meals and little to no snacks.
  • I'm like you. I snack throughout the day and have small meals. I work in a place where I'm alone 3 days a week, so I have to find stuff to bring to eat throughout the day. Gets tough. I love grapes though, I'll have to go get some!
  • My favorite snacks
    - String cheese and apple slices (or a mini baby bel cheese)
    - cottage cheese and pineaple
    - lemon yogurt with strawberries mixed in
    - flour tortilla with a tbsp of cream cheese spread on it
  • I don't have much room in my daily calorie allotment (1600 calories) for snacks. I get two apples and a pear and that's about it most days. I eat half a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, and the other half for lunch. That leaves me about 800 calories for dinner.
  • i take a tub of cucumber and carrot sticks and a handful of plum tomatoes to work with me and they sit on my desk- stops me snacking on the office Jaffa cakes!
  • This is going to blow your mind...

    Whatever you're eating for a snack right now...only 1/2 as much of it!
  • I have learned over this weight loss journey that everything I eat should have a good level of protein to keep me full. Ideally, something fibre-rich, too. I have long noticed that sugary snacks at work make interrupt my concentration and are hard to stop eating.

    Like others, I enjoy Greek yogurt with a few fresh berries tossed in. I am fine eating plain yogurt, however, I love coconut yogurt yet find it too sweet, so often mix plain with coconut yogurt (say, 100 g total combined) and add 12 raspberries. Very satisfying.

    Google recipes for power balls, which are often made with dates, heaps of protein powder, peanut butter, coconut, chia seeds, etc. I usually have a batch in the fridge at home, and take one to work for a tasty and filling snack with some tea at my desk (I calculated them to be about 80 cals per ball). I have also made a couple of dense cakes based on whey powder, oatmeal, peanut butter, eggs, etc. with a few chocolate chips sprinkled on. A tiny (2.5 inch square, about 60 g) calculated to be about 80 cals, too. I find inspiration for these types of recipes on MFP's blog.

    I also like a hard boiled egg (about 70 cals; low fibre, though, so I might eat a few raw carrots, too) - I keep a few peeled in the fridge for my family, too. They disappear!

    I hope that these ideas are helpful. FYI, I was a bit hungry for the first week or two of my reduced calorie lifestyle, but once I got used to understanding that "not being hungry" is not that same as "being hungry" or "being really full", the perceived feeling was less bothersome. More importantly, I also learned to eat these small, protein-rich and fiber-rich snacks before I became ravenous so I rarely feel truly hungry. I like to limit my snacks to under 100 cals because my MFP allotment is in the 1200 cal range per day - excluding my exercise calories (I am a short, peri-menopausal woman), and I eat a family supper (which contributes heavily to my calories per day). Good luck to you!!