Hi, I'm Crys.

I just started my weight loss journey. I am doing swimming to lose it at my local fitness center. My goal weight is 150 and I would love to meet ppl who have a lot of weight to lose like myself. Maybe we can help hold each other accountable. :) if anyone is swimming for weight loss or have a significant amount of weight to lose feel free to add me. Thanks!


  • Good Luck on your journey

  • Thanks! I see you've lost 100 lbs! Go you. How did you do it? If you don't mind me asking.

  • Hi...Good Luck on your weight loss journey :) . To date I have lost 80+lbs through logging my food on MFP & exercise (walking/ running/ kettlebell etc). I have just started to go swimming... hopefully once a week... not only for myself, but for my son who is autistic & has hypermobility in his joints. Feel free to add me as a friend :) x
  • Hi! Good luck! I lost 25 pounds and then had a baby and gained 60. I've lost 20 so far and am working on the rest. It's hard but logging your food and being honest about it and exercise are key! You can do this!
  • Planning to make it to 150 from 270 by the end of December. Im currently 234.8 as of this morning! Let's do this :)
  • Thanks guys! It's awesome to be surrounded by ppl doing the same thing I am. Support is key.