Two Steps Forward, One Step Back - Now for more steps forward!

So here I am on here trying to find some people to chat with and share progress, trials and all that fun stuff. I primarily have the goals of losing weight / body fat, but obviously I'd in general just like being in a lot better health. I've hit a point recently where I realized how far I'd let it go (again) and now it's time to step forward.

Historically speaking, there was a time in about 2011 where I was 285lbs and well over 40% body fat. My family has huge issue with weight, from both genetics and from habits. At that point I decided to get things on track and by the end of 2013 I was sitting at 180lbs under 20% body fat and feeling great. 105lbs gone can make a world of difference. Then I grew complacent. I let it slip a bit - managing to fall back to about 200 before stablizing, in this midst of this I managed to achieve another major goal, I completed a tough mudder race. I never figured I could run 12 miles, let alone the obstacles, but I survived.

After that things got messy - I got swamped at work, I got into a relationship that pulled me away from my own personal goals, and I cut a lot of my focus just to put my attention there. Also, eventually a newborn would work her little way into my life (note - I think I gained weight almost as fast as her mother). So on Monday morning I found myself sitting at 233lbs and feeling awful, tired constantly (although that might be the baby's fault), sore, etc.

So here I am to refocus and move forward - I'd love to chat with people also trying to make their way forward.


  • Hello there what a story. Congrats on losing that 105 that is a major deal. So you know that you can do it because you have done it before. Losing weight is hard. I am trying to lose 30 pounds and it seems like it is taking forever. I know what I need to do I just need to do it. This is the heaviest I have been. I would love to be friends with you to cheer you on and to help support you through this journey.
  • Thanks, I added you.
  • Add me too , would be nice to have friends and motivate each other