What surprises have you found about foods you didn't realize before logging?

One of the interesting things about logging foods is what I've learned about the nutrition/calories of certain foods that are different than what I had believed was true. For instance, I always thought that peanut butter, while full of calories, had a lot of protein. Not so - at just 4g/100 calories it's not a great tradeoff. I still eat it b/c i love it, though. I always that that sour cream, the full fat kind which I love, was a calorie bomb, but it's really not bad at just 60 calories for 2T. What things have surprised you?


  • Salmon.

    I always thought it would be on par with tuna. No idea why I thought that, but I did.
  • That 2% milk isn't even remotely worth the taste tradeoff for the calorie savings.
  • That advocados are tasty> and are not packed with as many calories as i thought .
  • cityruss wrote: »

    I always thought it would be on par with tuna. No idea why I thought that, but I did.

    What do you mean 'on par with"? Calories/ounce?
  • I'd rather get the 2% greek yogurt than the fat free....totally worth the extra calories.

  • I had no idea how many calories sushi had in it
  • That advocados are tasty> and are not packed with as many calories as i thought .

    Goes for me too. I just started incorporating avocados into my diet this year. I actually like them and think they really have the ability to smooth out a fruit/fiber/protein smoothie! (I've also made chocolate pudding with them). Wish I'd have given them a chance earlier.
  • I decided to focus on building muscle rather than watching the scale.....so for my diet I have to focus on getting enough protein. I was amazed at how hard it is to increase it to where I need it! But I love having something new to focus on, and the perk is that with eating all the protein I don't really want all the carbs I used to eat. :-)
  • Tiny additions to salad, oatmeal, etc. can also quickly up the calorie count. Have learned to choose what I add more carefully!!
  • That the whole "eat as much fruit as you like" is bologne. I can eat my days calories in one fruit salad (i love fruit!)
  • store bought carby sweets are not worth the calories...I prefer to make my own.

  • That butter (real butter, of course) is not that big a calorie hit for the flavor it brings to the party - totally worth it, every time.
  • That if you eat nothing but "healthy" foods I get nowhere near my calories allowance and I'm always allowed a treat.
  • Sodium. I never realized how much sodium I was eating. No wonder I woke up with fat fingers most mornings.
  • All those sesame and chia seeds I was sprinkling on food? Have WAY more calories than I thought.
  • How vitamin lacking almost all processed foods are, even when "enriched". How lean ground beef isn't much different from ground turkey cal for cal, it's not worth the price or the taste loss in something that should be BEEFY.
  • How much I was eating.
    I was really bad at eating if anything was close to me or if someone asked me if I wanted something to eat.
  • How much I was eating.
    I was really bad at eating if anything was close to me or if someone asked me if I wanted something to eat.

    this. food is so tempting. even if i don't like it that much.
  • Non-fat dairy of any sort is never worth it (milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese). I'd rather have 1 oz of delicious full fat cheese than 1 lb of the non fat stuff. Usually the calorie savings aren't even that much anyway.

    Apples have way more calories than I first thought and sweet potatoes have way less.

    An actual half cup of oatmeal is almost 30% more than when I weigh out 40 grams.
  • How many calories I was putting in my coffee in the form of half and half.