Buscando un compañero español pérdida de peso

Buenos días a todos me hablan inglés y español. Me gustaría que alguien que hable español para ser mi aliento pérdida de peso amigo y para que yo pueda continuar tener a alguien que habla español.


  • Our Community Guidelines include the following item:

    18. Please Post In English On The Main Forums

    Moderators in the English forums speak English and English. Because we need to ensure that our moderator team can properly understand and evaluate all posts, we request that all posts on the Main Forums are made in English. If you wish to post in a different language, we encourage you to join a language-specific group.

    Since you speak both English and Spanish, you are welcome to post in English on these forums - we also have a Spanish language community you can post in as well: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/es
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