I feel like I'm drifting away

Okay yall. So I change my lifestyle at the beginning of this yeae. Cut out all sugar drinks. No soda or tea was my first goal. Then I signed up for a gym in February. I go at least three times a week even more. With some outside walking every week with my dogs. I drink a shake for breakfast called next step which I love. Lunches are under 500 calorie and I portion my dinner. Not going over 1700 calories a day. With all this said I lost 30lBs. I want to loose another 30 acrually.but this past week has been horrible. With some binge eating. Not knowing when to stop mentally. Not feeling like doing anything cause of my body. Feeling like poop. Not my self. Not sure if it's stress or what. Buy I need something new or different to get me back on the right track I feel like I'm slipping away slowly. But I truly don't want to. Any ideas on help or something new to try


  • Just recognizing this is the first step. We all have bad weeks full of stress and too much eating. It's not stopping the too much eating part that gets most people in trouble. Congratulations on losing 30 pounds since January- that is awesome and amazing! Try changing up your exercise routine for something fun and different and changing up your usual meals so you don't get bored. Of course eat what you like in moderation and just get back on that horse. You can do this- the people on here who are the most successful have one thing in common- they never give up. But we all have those bumps in the road.
  • I think at the six month mark, everyone can grow a little weary. It isn't the end of the world, it is just a little pause in progress. Maybe try eating at maintenance to give yourself a little break for just a week. See if it helps with the binging. But don't stop logging your food. That is the one habit that will keep you on track.
  • I think I'll try changing my routine some. But I'm almost at my 6 month mark mark to at maybe something just hit me. I definitely am not giving up. Just need like a pick me up I guess you can say.. thanks so much all
  • I didn't lose the weight that I thought that I would by this point (7 weeks) and it was only -0.2 lbs this week! I had what I will call a pity party and ate my feelings. (My feelings were half a package of chocolate chip cookies with Cool Whip as dip.) I did not log my food. Today I had huge regret and I went back and logged all the food-even the cookies and "dip." I still was under goal by 36 calories. I am rededicating myself and cutting myself a break for the way I acted yesterday. I didn't get this big in 7 weeks, I am not going to get rid of it magically. I will work on one meal at a time, one day at a time and not get overwhelmed by all of the weight I have left to do. Congrats on 6 months. I will get there too.
  • One of the things that's hard to do in the long run is weather the ups and downs. Sometimes we just have an off week. Don't feel bad about that. When I need to get back on track I try to be gentle. That is, I make a small goal every day--eat one more vegetable, walk a little further when I walk the dog, etc.--and eventually that puts me back in the groove. I find achieving small goals satisfying, and when I feel better I create a positive feedback loop that moves me forward. Dick Talens talks about positive feedback loops and will power as a finite resource here, it's worth a read: dicktalens.com/the-myth-of-willpower-and-eat-less-move-more/
  • we all get times when we just can't focus and we don't want to count calories etc...maybe just try and eat at TDEE for a few weeks and then you'll find you're ready to get back on the wagon again :smile:
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I had the same thing happen to me after I lost about 40 lbs. Around Christmas we had lots of good food, and I ate it! I gained back 7 lbs and lost my will to keep going because I felt like I "failed." But I think that is what this whole thing is about. Not everyone WILL lose 60 lbs with no breaks in between. Just start again, one week or even a few won't stop a "life change" if that is what this truly is. I'm not sure if it is for you or not. Honestly it seems more of a diet because you said you cut out drinks. If you LOVE those drinks, don't cut them out, factor them in for treats! If your shakes aren't sustainable in the long run, I wouldn't do them at all (but that's just me). If 1700 cal/day is too little, then eat more! (As long as you don't eat to gain, even maintaining for a while is ok too)

    I'm back after feeling like I failed for a while. I've learned that its ok to lose gain some during the journey, I just have to focus on the ultimate goal and not feel like I'm rushed to get there, then I don't do as well. A different exercise is fun as well :)
  • Congratulations on losing 30 lbs. That is not an easy task. We all certainly go through seasons and during the low times its so important not to throw in the towel. Take it a little easier on yourself but don't do anything you will regret. I would also start reading some of MFP's success stories, they are wonderful at helping to motivate me, just do something that you know keeps you motivated and keeps you moving and don't forget what brought you here today.... Don't forget the reason why you decided to change your lifestyle. Hope this helps :) I wish you all the best and hope you find that spark that keeps you on your game!!!