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Please keep me motivated
Hello everyone!
Ive tried this twice before and really need to keep going with it this time with summer coming and all that... Kind regards and best of luck to everyone out there! Please help me to stay motivated
Lynsey xx
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why do you lack motivation? Do you want this or not? this journey has many ups and downs but if you actually want to be successful then you will be. "If you want something, prove it!"
You ask the impossible... Motivation must come from within... Seek it in yourself...
You can do it. At first it is hard, but keep picturing yourself as a new you this summer. Be proud of your accomplishments.
Hi Lynsey,
My name is Anneka and I'm really new to this! I literally have been trying for one day, and together we can do this! I found that this detox tea called bootea is really good! Fills you up and aids weight loss and hunger cravings! If you need any support I'm here!
Message me if you want xxx
Yes, motivation comes from within. But support comes from friends. So I applaud you in reaching out and seeking support to help remind you of what you want when the aroma of chocolate chip cookies isn't creating a lapse in memory. I love what a very smart contributor wrote the other day:
Losing weight is hard.
Being overweight is hard.
Choose your hard.
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