DO you have an office/desk job?



  • I'm usually up at 06:00 (what's the O stand for? - Oh my God it's early!) and at the gym for 7am. work out until 8am and then shower / change to get to work for 08:30. Work through until 16:30 and head home get some tea and then do a bit more work until about 8pm, then chillout. My worst habits about riding a desk all day is the snacking habits of the office / not having a proper lunchbreak due to workloads.
  • Wake up at 6am to be in the gym at 7am and at work at 8.30 am. Work until 6pm, get home at 6.30pm, cook, do my household and try to be in bed around 11pm. Also walking during lunchbreaks and try to do everything by bike. Meeting up with friends I try to incorporate sports too. Like going for a walk in the park or go swimming together.
  • I'm a reporter which means at times I'm on the go but there are times when I'm not and I'm mostly at my desk writing articles. With my workout I find time after work from 7 to 8
  • Get up at 4 instead of 5 and work out.
    Meal prep so all you have to do is heat dinner instead of cooking every night.
    Work out after doing nails.
    Work out on your lunch hour.

    I like to get up and work out in the morning as it really wakes me up and focuses me for the day. I also get runs in when I can. Sometimes the only time I can get one in is on my lunch hour. That gives me half an hour to run and half an hour to clean up a bit and eat
  • I go to the gym at lunch which works for me but that's because my work are flexible in how long I take for lunch so I'm not restricted to exactly 1 hour only...usually take about 1 hour 15 from leaving my desk to go to being back at it working again.
  • I'm a librarian, so it's not a completely sedentary job (lots of getting up and helping people on computers or showing them where their book is), but it's still a lot of desk time. Working out in the morning works best for me. I usually go to a boxing class at 5am, but maybe an early morning walk/jog/run or gym session would help?

    I also notice that on days I don't work out in the morning, I'm really sluggish for the rest of the day. I just feel tired and drained. I'm much more energetic when I get my exercise in!
  • Desk worker here too. I'm up around the same time and have an hour commute. I have a mini stair stepper under my desk (got it on Amazon for like $40) that I try to use 5 mins/hour. I also go for a walk on my lunch break and then eat at my desk later. Every little bit of activity helps!
  • I'm a legal assistant. I'm up at 4:30 to work out, out of the house at 7:30-7:45, work 8:30 to 5:30, home by 6:15. Dinner, walking the dog, relaxing, bed. I've even gotten up at 4:00 to get in an even longer workout. Gotta do what you gotta do. You don't find time to work out, you make time to work out.
  • Find reasons to get up from your desk. Refilling a water bottle (and the pee breaks from drinking alot of water!) are a great start. Standing work station. The previous place I worked, my manager would have walking meetings if the weather was nice - if it was just a quick chat with him and one other person, like brainstorming, update, etc. (not sure if that would apply for a secretary).

    Otherwise, walks during your breaks. Get some fitness equipment at home (you can do small things like resitance bands, weighted balls) so that you don't have to drive somewhere else. Starting out with 15 minutes in the morning may be a good way to begin, it's hard to find motivation to work out at the end of a long day!
  • I am a software engineer, which means 10 hours of sitting a day... plus an hour of commuting that is... also sitting! I get up at least once an hour and walk around the floor, and I either get up really early and exercise or go late at night. I've made my fair share of excuses... but I know exercise is important, so I make the sacrifice to get my butt up in the morning and run. And now I love it.
  • I work on desk but still lost 12 pounds in 45 days. I use breaks for mild activities. And controlled food a bit. Its workinf for me.