Looking for people who have desk/office jobs?



  • I'm a desk job/morning work out person! There's just too much to do in the evenings and its SO easy to skip exercise when I'm juggling a boyfriend/dog/house/meals/hobbies/friends/family. To make sure I work out, I'm at the gym by 5:30am. I lift for 30 minutes alternating upper and lower every other day, then I come home and walk the dog for 30 minutes. Working out in the morning motivates me to make better choices throughout the day.

    One of my biggest issues when I didn't work out in the morning, was not having time/energy to grocery shop and cook healthy meals after work so I got into the habit of going through drive thrus and ordering take out. BAD IDEA. Now I try to pre-plan as much as I can...and when I say pre-plan, I mean, I only plan out the meals for the day ahead of me so that there's still some spontaneity and I'm less likely to stand in front of the fridge with the door open, trying to find something I'm "in the mood for"... aka sweets and lots of cheese and bread.

    Another big thing that helped me get back into my morning work outs was that I actually moved closer to work to cut my commute from an hour down to 10 mins though I realize that's not realistic for everyone! I'm at work from 8am - 5pm if not later and then my evening for everything a girl has to get done in a day. :)
  • I'm sure there are plenty of people on here whom have desk jobs or office jobs.. Secretaries? I'm one of those. Who works a long work day, up at 5 am.. 1 1/2 hour drive to work. Be into work for 8:00 am. work 8 hours, home at 5:00, eat supper, do nails, because i'm also a nail technician, finish at 9:30 p.m. Shower / Bed.

    How do i find time for working out. Better yet how do you guys find the time? ox

    so you wake up at 5am and what do you do that takes 90 minutes before you have to leave for work? i have no idea what you are doing, but i'm going to go on a limb and guess that it involves preparing breakfast and lunch for the day, on top of getting yourself ready in the morning.

    save yourself some time by preparing your breakfast and lunch the night before. heck, you can even prepare those things days ahead of time. i have one day a week when i food prep breakfasts and lunches.

    now you have at least 45 minutes of free time every morning. plenty of time to get in a workout and a shower in. less if your morning routine involves any TV or internet time.


    So i've found that i now walk on my lunch, I really don't have time in the A.M i'm up at 5 am. Get a shower // get ready and leave my house by 6:30, yes i know i spend time on myself. But i'm at a place of work i need to be presentable. So anyways i'm getting my cardio in now during lunch :)
  • i get up at 5...at work at 6..work until 4...home at 4:30, run for 30 minutes or bike for 60..eat dinner at 5:30-6..watch one recorded tv show...read or internet for a little bit...start all over..i rarely watch tv and spend very little on the internet..there is 30 minutes somewhere in the day...i wish we had showers at work i would exercise then.