Looking for people who have desk/office jobs?

I'm sure there are plenty of people on here whom have desk jobs or office jobs.. Secretaries? I'm one of those. Who works a long work day, up at 5 am.. 1 1/2 hour drive to work. Be into work for 8:00 am. work 8 hours, home at 5:00, eat supper, do nails, because i'm also a nail technician, finish at 9:30 p.m. Shower / Bed.

How do i find time for working out. Better yet how do you guys find the time? ox


  • I am in a similar position. I get up at 6:15 am, 1 1/2 hour drive to work (I take the bus), ... I usually get back home at around 7:30 pm. Nevertheless I decided to join the gym last week. I go there straight after work, my husband who is a member for several years already, takes my stuff so I don't have to carry that with me all day. We meet up at the gym in the evening and drive home together afterwards.
    It is late though until we get back home, usually after 10 pm.
    I find it easier to go to the gym directly after work. If I went home first, I would probably end up staying there not doing anything.
  • Desk job too but I know I have to find the time so I get up @5:30 or 6: 00 and do my exercises- gave up my gym membership Bc I couldn't get there and found it easier to exercise from home. I joined bodybuilding.com and am on a 12 week exercise plan. In the evenings I walk. I walk over the Brooklyn bridge or I come off the train earlier and walk the rest of the way so I get my cardio. At lunchtime you should leave your desk and go walk for at least 15 min.
  • I am up at 6am, at work by 8am, desk job.

    I am home by 5 and then have my house and family and pets to take care of which now includes garden.

    My workout consists of 10-15mins of heavy lifting 4x a week and now I run 3x a week (30mins) and I walk on the days I don't run except Sunday.

    So I am looking at 45mins of exercise at least 6 days a week....I make it a priority, it comes before everything else.

    Sound selfish...perhaps but if I don't take care of me no one else will.
  • I am chained to my desk during the week! I aim for 12-15k steps a day (usually by the time I get home) and I Zumba twice a week. Some days are easier than others!
  • I am up at 6 am to get out the door and to work. I get home around 6 pm. I go to the gym over my lunch hour - it's the only way I can get it done. If I really need to, I'll jump on the treadmill just before bed to pound out those last few steps.
  • Well, since you're working 2 jobs during the week.. I'd say try short 15-20m HIIT circuits M-F & then dedicate more time to working out for a longer period of time on the weekend! HIIT is super effective in burning a ton of calories in a short span of time. Good luck!
  • If you wake up at 5am and don't have to leave the house until 6:30am....what are you doing for an hour and a half each morning?? That is your time to get it done!! Even an intense 20 minute workout each day will help.
  • I have an office job and I commute by public transportation, about 45 minutes each way. In order to work out I have to get up at 5 am! The good thing for me is I don't have to be to work until 9:30.
  • I have been trying to walk on each break I have at work. You are required to take your breaks anyway, and I figure it is better than just continuing to sit at my desk :) Yesterday I did 2.72 miles!
  • I walk on my breaks and lunch. I'm allowed to eat at my desk.

    I hit the gym three times a week after work.
  • I'm sure there are plenty of people on here whom have desk jobs or office jobs.. Secretaries? I'm one of those. Who works a long work day, up at 5 am.. 1 1/2 hour drive to work. Be into work for 8:00 am. work 8 hours, home at 5:00, eat supper, do nails, because i'm also a nail technician, finish at 9:30 p.m. Shower / Bed.

    How do i find time for working out. Better yet how do you guys find the time? ox

    so you wake up at 5am and what do you do that takes 90 minutes before you have to leave for work? i have no idea what you are doing, but i'm going to go on a limb and guess that it involves preparing breakfast and lunch for the day, on top of getting yourself ready in the morning.

    save yourself some time by preparing your breakfast and lunch the night before. heck, you can even prepare those things days ahead of time. i have one day a week when i food prep breakfasts and lunches.

    now you have at least 45 minutes of free time every morning. plenty of time to get in a workout and a shower in. less if your morning routine involves any TV or internet time.
  • each day i take the time out to walk around where i work. there's a track here, and i actually calculated that it's approx. 6500 steps from my building to the track, around once and back to my building (and it only takes about 30 minutes)...not to mention walking to meetings, to and from the parking garage, etc. it all adds up. you have to make the time for you
  • I'm sure there are plenty of people on here whom have desk jobs or office jobs.. Secretaries? I'm one of those. Who works a long work day, up at 5 am.. 1 1/2 hour drive to work. Be into work for 8:00 am. work 8 hours, home at 5:00, eat supper, do nails, because i'm also a nail technician, finish at 9:30 p.m. Shower / Bed.

    How do i find time for working out. Better yet how do you guys find the time? ox

    so you wake up at 5am and what do you do that takes 90 minutes before you have to leave for work? i have no idea what you are doing, but i'm going to go on a limb and guess that it involves preparing breakfast and lunch for the day, on top of getting yourself ready in the morning.

    save yourself some time by preparing your breakfast and lunch the night before. heck, you can even prepare those things days ahead of time. i have one day a week when i food prep breakfasts and lunches.

    now you have at least 45 minutes of free time every morning. plenty of time to get in a workout and a shower in. less if your morning routine involves any TV or internet time.

    My guess is that appearance is really important and she is taking a lot of time doing hair and makeup. I'm not trying to be snarky, but at some point you just have to prioritize health over temporary beauty (the makeup only lasts a day). I long ago gave up blow drying my hair, which gives me time to workout. Maybe that's not the issue here, but when a women says she needs 90 minutes to get ready for work and it doesn't include exercise, this is my assumption.
  • I hold an office job. I am fortunate to have a job where I am allowed flex time. I go in earlier on gym days. I tell myself everyday, make a way or find an excuse. I decided to make a way.
  • You don't "find" time, you make the time. It's really that easy. You either have to give something up, or don't workout. I don't see how you have any other choice. Or, sleep less.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I concur with the poster that mentioned HIIT circuits. Do some quick sprint training in the morning before or after work (ex. sprint for 30 sec, jog for 1 minute, or apply the same principle to your preferred cardio exercise using high/low intensity intervals) for just 15-20 minutes. Burns up calories quick and great for fat loss.

    As for weight training, try to make sure you pick a gym that is on one of your daily routes to/from work, bring your gym gear, and don't mess around when you are there. Or, if possible, invest in olympic style dumbells that you can add/remove weight plates to so you can do home workouts without spending much on equipment: amazon.com/Olympic-Dumbbell-Handles-sold-Pair/dp/B002OB2BT6 Keep a stopwatch and make sure you only have 1 min max between sets. You should be able to get a good lift routine in under 60 minutes this way.

    I work an engineering job, and spend about 3 hours in traffic every day. It's totally do-able.
  • jaga13 wrote: »
    I'm sure there are plenty of people on here whom have desk jobs or office jobs.. Secretaries? I'm one of those. Who works a long work day, up at 5 am.. 1 1/2 hour drive to work. Be into work for 8:00 am. work 8 hours, home at 5:00, eat supper, do nails, because i'm also a nail technician, finish at 9:30 p.m. Shower / Bed.

    How do i find time for working out. Better yet how do you guys find the time? ox

    so you wake up at 5am and what do you do that takes 90 minutes before you have to leave for work? i have no idea what you are doing, but i'm going to go on a limb and guess that it involves preparing breakfast and lunch for the day, on top of getting yourself ready in the morning.

    save yourself some time by preparing your breakfast and lunch the night before. heck, you can even prepare those things days ahead of time. i have one day a week when i food prep breakfasts and lunches.

    now you have at least 45 minutes of free time every morning. plenty of time to get in a workout and a shower in. less if your morning routine involves any TV or internet time.

    My guess is that appearance is really important and she is taking a lot of time doing hair and makeup. I'm not trying to be snarky, but at some point you just have to prioritize health over temporary beauty (the makeup only lasts a day). I long ago gave up blow drying my hair, which gives me time to workout. Maybe that's not the issue here, but when a women says she needs 90 minutes to get ready for work and it doesn't include exercise, this is my assumption.

    geez, who peed in your corn flakes this morning?
  • jaga13 wrote: »
    I'm sure there are plenty of people on here whom have desk jobs or office jobs.. Secretaries? I'm one of those. Who works a long work day, up at 5 am.. 1 1/2 hour drive to work. Be into work for 8:00 am. work 8 hours, home at 5:00, eat supper, do nails, because i'm also a nail technician, finish at 9:30 p.m. Shower / Bed.

    How do i find time for working out. Better yet how do you guys find the time? ox

    so you wake up at 5am and what do you do that takes 90 minutes before you have to leave for work? i have no idea what you are doing, but i'm going to go on a limb and guess that it involves preparing breakfast and lunch for the day, on top of getting yourself ready in the morning.

    save yourself some time by preparing your breakfast and lunch the night before. heck, you can even prepare those things days ahead of time. i have one day a week when i food prep breakfasts and lunches.

    now you have at least 45 minutes of free time every morning. plenty of time to get in a workout and a shower in. less if your morning routine involves any TV or internet time.

    My guess is that appearance is really important and she is taking a lot of time doing hair and makeup. I'm not trying to be snarky, but at some point you just have to prioritize health over temporary beauty (the makeup only lasts a day). I long ago gave up blow drying my hair, which gives me time to workout. Maybe that's not the issue here, but when a women says she needs 90 minutes to get ready for work and it doesn't include exercise, this is my assumption.

    geez, who peed in your corn flakes this morning?

    lol! I really didn't mean to be rude or anything. I'm just saying there might be more time to spare in the morning than she realizes, but it comes at a price (isn't that true with how we prioritize all 24 hours in the day?)
  • You just have to prioritize your goals in your overall life. Which means you make the time. Sacrifices will undoubtedly have to be made but if it's worth it, it won't feel like a sacrifice.
  • You definitely have a full schedule. Do you have nail appointments every day? If not, maybe you could just workout at those times? Something is better than nothing.