anyone lose 100+ lbs?

That's my goal is to lose 100+ lbs. Whose all done it? How long did it take? Before and after pictures? I'm just tired of being this heavy ( scale said 286 and I'm done with it being that high!!) How did u do it and what motivated you? Thanks yall! :)


  • Heya

    I've 108 lbs to loose

    I'm 5 ft 1 and 227 lbs

    Weighing and logging my food earlier in the day helps me to stay on track
  • <<<< There's my b & a! It just took persistence and determination. I've lost 135 lbs. My health motivated me and quality of life, but if you rely soley on motivation it's not going to happen. Health needs to become a habit. Good luck.
  • I lost 100 lbs in 9 months. I did it by cleaning up my eating and getting serious the gym. I got most of my information on what to eat/do from
  • Hey there!

    I've been using MFP for a little over a week, and this site for only a few days, but I've been working on my weight for years.

    So far I've lost over 200 lbs. Over time I'll be documenting my journey on this site with through the blog. If you'd like, check out my profile and/or send me a friend request! (That goes for everybody.) ;)
  • I've lost 93 I still have 2 to goal. Took me a year and a half (but I'm also 60) takes us "seasoned" individuals a little longer.