Not losing much!?

According to my BMI I'm slightly overweight...
5foot 4.5
Was 70kg gone down to 69.6 kg I'm on week 3 of eating clean calorie intake of 1200 and I go to the gym 3/4 times a week usually there 1-2 hours I walk there and back too which is an hour of exercise...
I am doing a lot of weights at the gym (Mainly my legs)
Could this be the reason I have only lost 0.4 kg in over 2 weeks because I'm building muscle?
Anyone else in the same situation??


  • I am experiencing a similar thing. Like you eating a healthy 1000 to 1200, exercising 3-4 times per week and hiking on weekends. According to my hateful scales I have put on weight this week! Before anyone says it's maths, I can categorically state that my calorie deficit has been at minimum 600 per day. I am staggered at my response! Very unhappy.
  • Yeah I never eat the 1200 but that is my "goal" on MFP I usually eat under that because of exercising

    I have just wrote my hip waist and arm size down then in a couple weeks I'm gonna see if there's any change there instead of focusing on the scales
  • at 69/70kg - you're not especially overweight and there's little to lose.

    1200 kcals is a low number and is the lowest that MFP will recommend. You cannot build muscle when eating at maintenance or at a defecit (builders will typically "bulk" and then "cut").

    Your diary is set to private so it is difficult to see if you truly are only consuming 1200 kcals...

    Your weight will also fluctuate by several pounds even during a single day depending on water intake / sodium intake and - for women - TOM will also appear to prevent weight loss.

    Also - if you've only been at this for a little over 2 weeks - give it a little longer. Weight loss is not linear.... :-)
  • try taking a couple of photos every week and then look back at them and you should notice the difference. at least that's what works for me
  • According to my BMI I'm slightly overweight...
    5foot 4.5
    Was 70kg gone down to 69.6 kg I'm on week 3 of eating clean calorie intake of 1200 and I go to the gym 3/4 times a week usually there 1-2 hours I walk there and back too which is an hour of exercise...
    I am doing a lot of weights at the gym (Mainly my legs)
    Could this be the reason I have only lost 0.4 kg in over 2 weeks because I'm building muscle?
    Anyone else in the same situation??

    For a start it doesn't matter if you are eating clean.

    Secondly you cannot build muscle at a deficit.

    Thirdly you've only been working out two weeks. If you've only just implemented more exercise you will most likely be retaining more water as you need it.

    You are also in taking no energy if you aren't even eating 1200 while exercising. People smaller than you intake 1600-1800 and lose consistently. Try and net at least 1400 (eat your exercise calories back and finish each day on 1400) make sure you are weighing everything out accurately and don't overestimate calories burned.
  • It sounds like you need to just be patient. If the exercise and intake are both new adjustments you started in the past 3 weeks it will take you body a little bit of time to settle into everything. Water weight can be a tricky tricky thing.
  • Thank you everyone I thought I was doing something wrong I will change my calorie intake... I do eat plenty of protein especially on weekends because my boyfriend is doing body building so it's all he eats really
  • My diary is now public