I'm having a "fat day"...

And you know what? I rocked it!


Woke up this morning after a totally diet blowing night of deficit destroying chinese buffet, about 4 plates full of food, followed by about a pint of ice cream from one of those diy machines, and some mini cakes and I'm full of pms bloat. I spent an hour in bed feeling terrible wondering what to do about my first mega pig out in months, pulled my jeans on, couldn't do them up, briefly toyed with going back to bed and crying.

So I womaned up, put the skinny jeans back in the drawer, did my hair, pulled on a baggy tracksuit, ate a light breakfast, dragged my bloated butt outside and unlocked my gym, 25 mins later post treadmill...

My jeans probably won't do up today and maybe I've gained a lb when the bloat goes, who knows. I'm going to eat my planned meals and put it behind me, I am not going to drastically cut my food, over excise or cry and nor should anyone else.

I keep seeing these I've binged and the world has ended threads, yeah, you have messed up your deficit by eating 6000+ calories in an hour but if you beat yourself up your only setting yourself up for misery.
I just wanted to say this as someone who years ago used to avoid leaving the house on "fat days". My weight has been known to go up 11lbs in situations like this and it sucks but I've yet to ever get fat again from one or two bad days....



  • We all have days like that, it keeps you sane!!!!! I try and say " I dont want that" instead of " I can thave that"

    That way I am not depiving myself of it, and I can have it whent I want it, I want to live my life not feel like I can t every day.

    I just know I have to work a little harder every now and again to get it off, its a lifestyle change not a race.

    I dont get it when people beat themselves up about it. Just pick yourself up and dust yourself down and get on with it.
  • Even after losing 58 or so pounds, I still have overeating days but I know that it's not one day that will make me gain the weight back but continuing to eat too much will. "Normal" people don't let a day of overeating cause them to eat that way every day, it's just a day to them. They just go about their business and not stress over a pound or two of weight gain that's not real anyway. I tell myself that and it helps.
  • GET IT.

    That is exactly the right attitude to have and thanks for being an inspiration! I've found for me that those binge days actually help keep me motivated for a good long while afterward too!
  • Thank you for this --- just what I needed. I ate out last night and didn't even overdo it but woke up hormonal and bloated and 2lbs heavier than yesterday. I am staying on track today and won't get discouraged.
  • Thank you... I needed this today. I had some 1st of May celebrations last week, totally intentionally and not over-doing it but still... I weighed 2lbs more this morning than I did a week ago. Doesn't matter. I won't slash my other 3 tyres if I've got one flat!
  • HannaSusi wrote: »
    Thank you... I needed this today. I had some 1st of May celebrations last week, totally intentionally and not over-doing it but still... I weighed 2lbs more this morning than I did a week ago. Doesn't matter. I won't slash my other 3 tyres if I've got one flat!

    Love the tire analogy! Sums up what some people do 100%
  • Love all these comments. It so true, just wish more people had this attitude (inc myself at times).

    Couple of weeks ago I ate a whole easter egg while watching tv. when I logged the cals it was over 1000. My reaction? Next time weigh the chocolate and log before I eat to try and stay on track and if I really just want to indulge (like going to pizza hut for tea tommorrow) I think its a treat not the norm and I'll be back on track the following day.
  • What a great attitude to have, this is exactly what I do when I eat more than I'd like. I enjoy the food I indulge in and then just move on.