Has anyone ever used. ..

Weight loss supplements? I did the advocare cleanse and lost 8 pounds. I don't really have the $75 to do the whole challenge so I've been looking at other things. Had anyone ever used supplements from GNC or bought anything online that worked well?


  • Snake oil. Keep your money. A calorie deficit is all you need.
  • Tried almost everything Including perceptions. It's ALL crap. None of it will work in the long term and it's all part of the money making scam of tricking people there's an easy way out, which makes them fatter.
    Move more eat less.
  • Don't do weight loss supplements. They don't work, at least in no way that's beneficial to the body. Just stay in the calorie deficit MFP gives you and hit your macro/micro targets. Include strength training and maybe cardio into your routine.
  • You're not going to get a lot of support for that type of thing here. Most of us are here because we tried that and it was never a long term solution. Eat less, move more. Calories in, calories out. These are forever solutions that will keep the weight off.
  • Ok, but I've tried that for two years with no success. Eliminating sugar and salt and dairy, eating a lot of protein and fruits and veggies - that worked. But now without the fiber drinks and probiotics, I'm not having further success. It's frustrating.

    Is it possible that I'm not eating enough or something? I weigh 140 right now and am a teacher. I spend far too much time at a computer for work so exercise isn't as strenuous as I would like. ..

  • Do you weigh your food? I couldn't believe how many extra calories were slipping by when I used spoons and cups to measure
  • The biggest bang for your buck is figuring out the right amount of calories for you. So do that first. Find an amount that allows you to lose pretty steadily.

    The next biggest bang for your buck will be figuring out your macros. That can help you to follow your plan more effectively, feel less hunger, and keep more muscle mass.

    Once you have a handle on your calorie goal and macros, then you can think about your micros - the healthiness of your food choices. That will also help you feel your best.

    If you have all 3 of those things where you want them, then possibly you could benefit from a supplement. If you are focused on supplements but don't have your food quantity and quality sorted, it's pretty pointless.
  • I used a couple when I was younger and dumber. Any weight I lost always came back on and then some more. So far logging is the only thing that has really worked and something I could see working in the long run.
  • Ok, but I've tried that for two years with no success. Eliminating sugar and salt and dairy, eating a lot of protein and fruits and veggies - that worked. But now without the fiber drinks and probiotics, I'm not having further success. It's frustrating.

    Is it possible that I'm not eating enough or something? I weigh 140 right now and am a teacher. I spend far too much time at a computer for work so exercise isn't as strenuous as I would like. ..


    Obviously, you don't understand weight loss. You don't lose weight by eating more. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much.
  • I would strongly suggest you read the sticky posts. They really help you understand weight loss, telling myth from reality and set you on the right track

  • Obviously, you don't understand weight loss. You don't lose weight by eating more. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much.

    Wow thanks! Actually a Dr recently told me that I may be starving myself and not eating enough calories, thus not losing weight. It didn't make sense to me at the time but I thought maybe, since they were a Dr, they might know something I don't.

    In the future you don't need to be so harsh and try to make someone feel stupid!
  • Weight loss is VERY tricky! I also was told I was starving myself and I was in a weight loss stall. I upped my calories by 200 and guess what, I've dropped 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks, along with lifting weights. So I do believe there is some truth in eating too less. What I have found that really helps is the macros %. I take in 1200 cals, 80g fat, 30g carbs and 90g protein. Of course water, water, water. I lift heavy weights 4 times a week. I was curious about Advocare also because EVERYONE at the gym pushes it, but I figure if I'm eating healthy and lifting to be built and it works, I'll save my 200 bucks for the 28 day challenge and buy my a new purse :wink:
  • I tried one and stopped it as it made me feel sick. Some of them can do major damage to your body too. Save your money and just stick with diet & excercise!
  • So I do believe there is some truth in eating too less.

    No. I can show you picture after picture of starving people all over the world that barely have the strength to stand and are pencil thin. If you change one thing and another thing changes doesn't mean the input you changed caused the output to change. A weight change of five pounds in two weeks isn't enough to draw conclusions about anything.

    Weight loss is not tricky at all. Many people make it much harder than it is but it's far from tricky.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    star1407 wrote: »
    I would strongly suggest you read the sticky posts. They really help you understand weight loss, telling myth from reality and set you on the right track

    Should be required reading before entering the forum for the first time. :)

  • Obviously, you don't understand weight loss. You don't lose weight by eating more. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much.

    Wow thanks! Actually a Dr recently told me that I may be starving myself and not eating enough calories, thus not losing weight. It didn't make sense to me at the time but I thought maybe, since they were a Dr, they might know something I don't.

    In the future you don't need to be so harsh and try to make someone feel stupid!

    But unless your doctor observed your eating for an entire week and/or you kept an immaculately detailed log (including weights) of everything you ate, he/she is doing no better than the rest of us (ie guessing).

    And no one is prevented from losing weight by eating too little...that right there would immediately cause me to ignore anything further this doctor said about nutrition.

    Here's my advice. Forget EVERYTHING you've been told and/or believe about weight loss.

    Take two weeks of your life, and either use this app or write down EVERY SINGLE THING you eat and drink. Measure it all accurately (which is to say weigh all solids in grams, and measure all liquids). Don't do anything different...just eat how you have been. I mean be super obsessive about it.

    OK now you have two weeks of baseline data. How many calories on average were you eating?

    Subtract 500 calories from that number, and make that your daily goal. Continue to meticulously measure and log everything, keeping in mind your goal number. Do that for another two weeks, at least.

    Check your progress...is it working? If yes, keep it up. If no, subtract another 100-200 calories from your goal and try again. Rinse & repeat until you find the sweet spot.

    It also wouldn't hurt to up your exercise. If you are a member or can join a gym great. If not...go for a walk, go for a bike ride, etc. Just get moving more.
  • ceoverturf wrote: »

    Obviously, you don't understand weight loss. You don't lose weight by eating more. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much.

    Wow thanks! Actually a Dr recently told me that I may be starving myself and not eating enough calories, thus not losing weight. It didn't make sense to me at the time but I thought maybe, since they were a Dr, they might know something I don't.

    In the future you don't need to be so harsh and try to make someone feel stupid!

    But unless your doctor observed your eating for an entire week and/or you kept an immaculately detailed log (including weights) of everything you ate, he/she is doing no better than the rest of us (ie guessing).

    And no one is prevented from losing weight by eating too little...that right there would immediately cause me to ignore anything further this doctor said about nutrition.

    Here's my advice. Forget EVERYTHING you've been told and/or believe about weight loss.

    Take two weeks of your life, and either use this app or write down EVERY SINGLE THING you eat and drink. Measure it all accurately (which is to say weigh all solids in grams, and measure all liquids). Don't do anything different...just eat how you have been. I mean be super obsessive about it.

    OK now you have two weeks of baseline data. How many calories on average were you eating?

    Subtract 500 calories from that number, and make that your daily goal. Continue to meticulously measure and log everything, keeping in mind your goal number. Do that for another two weeks, at least.

    Check your progress...is it working? If yes, keep it up. If no, subtract another 100-200 calories from your goal and try again. Rinse & repeat until you find the sweet spot.

    It also wouldn't hurt to up your exercise.
    If you are a member or can join a gym great. If not...go for a walk, go for a bike ride, etc. Just get moving more.

    Well said. OP, do this.
  • Ok, but I've tried that for two years with no success. Eliminating sugar and salt and dairy, eating a lot of protein and fruits and veggies - that worked. But now without the fiber drinks and probiotics, I'm not having further success. It's frustrating.

    Is it possible that I'm not eating enough or something? I weigh 140 right now and am a teacher. I spend far too much time at a computer for work so exercise isn't as strenuous as I would like. ..


    It's not a matter of not eating enough - if that were the case, you'd be losing weight. You need to get a food scale and weigh all of your solid foods, so you have an accurate count of your calorie intake. You'd be surprised how far off you can be by measuring foods. You need a deficit of 500 calories per day to lose 1 lb per week.
    Don't eliminate food groups, like dairy, sugar, salt. That's not what you need to do. Eat the foods you like, just in smaller portions, so you learn to eat in moderation while still meeting your calorie deficit. make sure you are getting your macronutrients (carbs/protein/fats) at ratios about 40/30/30, which is what works best for most people to start with.

  • Obviously, you don't understand weight loss. You don't lose weight by eating more. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much.

    Wow thanks! Actually a Dr recently told me that I may be starving myself and not eating enough calories, thus not losing weight. It didn't make sense to me at the time but I thought maybe, since they were a Dr, they might know something I don't.

    In the future you don't need to be so harsh and try to make someone feel stupid!

  • My theory on supplements...don't start anything that you can't continue for the rest of your life. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to change what you're doing.

    I'm in the same boat though. On paper (ok, MFP journal), it looks like I'm doing everything right. But the scale isn't moving. I do seem to be losing inches, though not much.

    Another trick to weight loss is truly figuring out what your caloric intake needs to be. Agree w/ the above advice for reading all the stickies. If you exercise more you do need to eat more, but again, its a balancing act.