When i am bored i stuff myself

2 years ago i had 68kg now, after a bad breakup and living on my own for the first time i am up to 90kg (about 198lbs)

My Problem is not that i dont work out or eat bad stuff.
I manage to eat a healthy breakfast/lunch/dinner according to my health plan BUT around 2-3 hours after dinner when watching TV i get bored so i eat. (Chips, fries, pizza or whatever i can find)

I tried to have dinner later, but since i am not hungry when binging that does not help.
Of course i also tried not buying any stuff but i always find something or even order food.
I really need help with this!


  • Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Try havign a water bottle and sip it every now and again. Also get a hobby any thing to keep your mind working and not thinking about food. Its a matter of breaking the chain.
  • I agree with Zac775 about needing to keep busy although I can totally relate to eating out of boredom. Could you be doing something at the same time as watching TV? some form of exercise such as small weights, squats, lunges, step etc - something that still allows you to watch your shows but takes your mind off eating?

    Could you prepare healthier snacks to feast on (doesn't taste the same I know) I sometimes have carrot sticks, fruit ect

    A difficult habit to break but once little changes are made it will be easier. Good luck
  • I eat our of boredom too my doctor said that can be considered binge eating to an extent
  • Maybe it's not actually boredom eating? I've noticed that I tend to have more binge episodes when I'm not keeping busy, but the root cause of my binges is emotional, not boredom. I've learned that I eat to NOT deal with emotions. It's easy to avoid those emotions when I'm busy, but when I'm not, then I'm more likely to have a problem. I've learned to work to identify what I'm feeling and why I want to eat. Sometimes I still binge, but it's gotten better. Just today I wanted to just eat. I did end up eating 2 chocolate bars instead of the one I had planned, but I stopped after that. I acknowledged that I was feeling upset and really thought about why I was upset. It seemed to help.

    Of course, if it's just boredom eating, then find ways to stay busy. Learn to knit or crochet while you watch TV, or get an exercise bike or machine of some sort that you can do while you watch TV. Or, go for a walk before you watch TV to see if that helps keep you from binging? I know that I'm less likely to binge (for whatever reason) if I've been doing a good job of staying active.
  • Switch to healthier snacks, maybe exercise between commercials. Not eating enough in the day? Something medical going on?
  • I do the same exact thing. I find chewing gum really helpful because it keeps your mouth busy and tricks you into thinking you're snacking.
  • Hmm. I struggle with cravings a lot but have managed to decrease them drastically. Consider watching something educational that pertains to health. You may also want to look into motivational audiobooks. I know I know ... It sounds cheesy. But I recently looked up "the body you deserve" by tony Robbins on YouTube, and it gave me some wonderful insight on ways you can change your habits in order to reach your goals. Another tool I've used that helps me, personally (placebo effect or not, I'll take it!) I listen to guided meditation and hypnosis videos related to mindful eating, stress relief, and weight loss.

    Remember, boredom eating begins in the mind. You can choose to let it end there, too, by teaching yourself to be in control and finding pleasure in healthy eating and good habits in general. You CAN do this, and you definitely will, as soon as you decide to change your mind set and behaviors.
  • Thank you for all the tipps! I think i might try to learn to chrochetting
  • I binge when I'm bored too - even if I already feel uncomfortably full. I'm a crafter too, as long as I'm absorbed by what I'm doing, crocheting does help. Aside from that, the only thing I've found is to be strict with myself and tell myself off before I go and grab the food. It does tend to be on my mind all evening though until I manage to get into the habit of not eating when I don't need to.
  • When I feel the urge to snack and I'm not hungry, I will go for a walk, visit my friends/family, work on a puzzle, etc. Hope this helps.
  • I try to drink water as it keeps me full, try and do something to focus off the hunger I tend to walk or do housework
  • I have my crocheting sitting near my TV watching spot. It really is a good distraction.
  • Try something else for a couple weeks, re-evaluate, and if it is working, keep at it until it is habit. If it didn't work, re-evaluate and try something else. You've got a great set of ideas here. I have to keep my hands busy.

    Eating in the evening is no longer a habit for me.

    It helps that I no longer eat in the living room. If I'm watching TV, there isn't food with me.
  • Try staying away from the television if possible..... And when you feel hungry, try asking yourself if you are really hungry... Ask yourself if you would like to eat an apple. If yes, you are probably really hungry. If no, then you either bored or just thirsty.... Try doing other things that will take your attention away from that situation... Try reading a book, drawing, painting etc..... :)