Maybe the third time's the charm......

Hello everyone.
Well as you can see from my title, this is the third time I will try MFP. I really want to be successful with this weight loss. I want to be healthy because I am still young and my body and mind will thank me when I am older.
I am also very tired of being the "fat" friend. I know that it is very shallow of me to say that, but that has hurt my self esteem a lot.
I am hoping to find motivational people on here who talk about their journey because I want to use this website a lot. I am going on a trip to San Francisco in August and, although I will not lose 40 pounds by then, I am hoping to at least be 10-15 pounds lighter.
I am 173.8 pounds right now and 5'5. I want to lose 40 pounds in the long run. Any tips on how to get rid of cravings? Any cooking tips? My main problem is my diet. I eat really bad and a crave everything. Any tips will be really appreciated.
Also, if you want to add me as a friend, I would love that. I would love to see motivational people on my dash (I even downloaded the app, which I didn't do the last time I had an account here).
Sorry this is long. Thank you for reading this.
<3 Jess


  • Don't worry. We've all fallen off the horse more than once, myself included. 10lbs by August is easily doable. Just figure out how many calories you need to eat each day and make sure to get in your exercise so you're in a deficit, and you're off! Best of luck!
  • This is my third time too.
  • 3rd go maybe even 4th this time embracing the community not really looked at it before
    feel free to add me