Goal Outfit? Do you have one?

I've been off the wagon since xmas and have now committed myself to losing weight again! I am counting calories, eating healthier, doing Insanity when the calendar says so and also have an appointment at the gym next week to discuss membership! So, i'm wondering about buying a goal outfit, something to work towards, but not sure what size I should get? Do you buy something that's a couple sizes down as a mini goal type thing or do you buy the size you dream of fitting into?


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I threw out all my clothes and bought a whole new wardrobe from the 2nd hand shop a couple sizes too small. Seems like a waste, but this goal is REAL to me and they would have been thrown out soon anyway, the only thing they were was an excuse. I have a few items of clothing that are my goal size which I can not yet fit into, and every now and then I bring them out and visualise fitting into them. Too extreme? Sure, they were very expensive, but my health is priceless.
  • Wow, me too. I hit my all time weight. low the day before Christmas and couldn't motivate myself to continue. But I am now. We can both do this. I have a goal pair of shorts - only $20. I'd hate to buy an expensive outfit. I guess your goal size would be dependant on how much you have to lose. Maybe 1 to 2 sizes down unless you have alot to lose.
  • My goal outfit:

  • Sort of... I have some really nice dresses that used to fit, or do fit now but I look a bit lumpy in. The sort of things that will be fine if I lose a dress size. I would still be overweight, but for me that is a comfortable target. Once I get there I'll see how I feel and decide whether to set another.
  • I'm getting married in November and want to be able to get away with a sheath silhouette for my dress, if that counts!
  • I say go for your dream size because when I lost 35 pounds a couple of years ago and tried on new clothes I couldn't believe I could actually fit into a size 9! I still have the jeans and recently hung them up as motivation!! Good luck!!
  • I want to look good in shorts :smiley:
  • naked...that's my goal. To look good naked.
  • I'm in a size 16, down from a 22. My goal was to get to a size 10, but I have a TON of clothes in the 12/14 range that I used to wear a long time a go. I have a whole wardrobe, dress clothes, jeans, sweaters, etc. But I also have a dress that is a size 8 that I used to love. It's navy blue with white polka dots, sleeveless, fitted and classic. My ultimate goal would be to get into that dress and have sexy, muscular arms and shoulders to show off in that dress.
  • Cactusedd wrote: »
    I want to look good in shorts :smiley:

    Also this^^

    I have not worn shorts for 20 years. I would love to get small enough and have nice, muscular legs to wear shorts again someday.

  • One for naked.
    Less to look good...I want to feel good naked!

    For gods sake just give me the lipo...
  • I have several goal outfits that hang on my closet as a reminder of what size I want to be. I try the shorts on once a week to see how they fit. When I reach my goal I am going to buy something new and I can't wait!!!!!
  • I always have one thing in my closet I'd like to wear comfortably. I do a lot of thrift shopping for clothes, so usually it's a matter of, "This thing is very much my style and not too far from fitting -- let's buy it and keep it until it fits."

    Right now it's an adorable button down shirt that's tight in the arms and not-quite-closes. (The arms may be a thing, though; I've always had big arms, lol.)
  • My goal outfit is one from 5 years ago. A whole closetful of them, in fact, from before I ballooned.
  • I want to wear a thin type shirt that does not show the outline of my belly button bulge.
  • I put mine up on my Instagram account (@lisaisdirtyflirty30) - it's a dress I bought when I lost weight last time, but never got to wear. I'm wearing the shet out of that dress when I kick some fat *kitten*!
  • I'm wearing a goal outfit today! Like Candice above, when I bought it, you could see my belly button. But not today! Now this isn't my final goal, as I still have about 20 pounds to lose. But this dress is a 10 and I started at an 18/20 so I'm counting the win!
  • I don't have a goal outfit, but the day I can wear a full outfit from the 'regular' section instead of the 'plus' section, my squee will be heard around the world :)
  • I'm doing it for the cosplay. I want to be Bucky Barnes at Comic Con next year May!

  • My goal outfit is a "speedo" for our cruise in November!!!! JK nobody wants to see that!