Rnej wrote: » I quite like the taste. I use it as rice replacement... but.. you could also just not eat quinoa.. ? don't go overboard on food hypes, just don't eat too much processed, salty or sugary foods and watch your macros's.. you could easily just east pasta or rice...
AJ_G wrote: » Help with Quinoa: don't eat Quinoa
usernameenvy wrote: » i followed a recipe for Quinoa porridge once, it scared me off it forever !!!
AJ_G wrote: » Not a smart aleck* comment, trying to help. There is no magical food you need to eat to be healthy and be in good shape. People think they need to eat "super foods". That's a load of bull. Yes you should get your micronutrients in, eat enough protein, eat enough dietary fiber, and eat enough dietary fat, but there is no added benefit to overconsuming micronutrients. It's not as if the more you eat the healthier you are, once you've consumed adequate micronutrients for the day, they you're fine. You can continue to eat foods you don't truly enjoy chasing some false nutritional ideal that you picked up from online articles and Dr. Oz, or you can eat healthy by fitting foods that you enjoy as well, but since your immediate response to my first post was to take an attitude about it, I doubt you'll listen anyway. Good luck
JoyceCiotti wrote: » LadednLace, I liked a quinoa broccoli egg quiche I often made. Not sure if it healthy now that I started this "pal" site. Look into that recipe; I found it online. I also make an awesome tasting cake using quinoa. I am half asleep right now & not sure how to share recipes here anywhere. But if it is healthy enough, I will make again. Perhaps our paths will cross & I can share later. Don't give up. I was skeptic with it at first, but do enjoy quinoa. take care.