Looking for some friends to help me stay motivated

Hi! My name is Mackenzie & I've been a member on here for a while. I use to use this website a lot, and then I quit. I'm almost 21, I'm 5'1, and I've always struggled with my weight growing up.
Around 2009 I weighed around 224 ( the heaviest I've been) & wore a size 20. Over the few years I was able to lose weight and keep it off for the most part. Back in 2013 I got under 200 and I felt amazing. My weight did yo-yo some, but I wasn't worried at the time because I knew I would get it back down. I was finally able to get back in my size 16 pants and I was so proud of myself. Now here's where it goes downhill: In September 2013 I went back to school to get my GED. And because of my nerves, I didn't eat much . When I did eat, it was junk food and when I came home from school, all I wanted to do was sleep. Once I finished school, I was offered a job and from then on my weight has gone up. I didn't care about what I ate and I didn't make time to work out. I've pretty much gained all the weight back. I haven't weighed myself in a while, so I don't know where I'm at. I realize I can lose it again and I'm going to. I have some like new jeans I need to get back into. I really need some friends on here to help keep me motivated and on the right track. ( I'll do the same for you.) My goal is to get down to 150 pounds. I'm currently unemployed so I have time to work out. I realize this is long, so thanks to whoever read it. : ) - Mackenzie


  • Don't quit!!! I'm starting again
  • I relate to this
  • Add me if you need some motivation (: I hope I can help! Good luck on your journey.
  • We are on the same page! I was here and lost 53 lbs! after quitting for a while I gained back 24 lbs in a year or so..I just joined few days ago and want to get back on track, I need to loose weight and get lean again.. I wanna kill that old habit and eating clean again as I used to be..

    Feel free to add me for motivation and support :) we got this!
  • My problem is the opposite. Always struggling to gain and keep weight. Stay the course. I'll be following your progression.
  • emleefit wrote: »
    Add me if you need some motivation (: I hope I can help! Good luck on your journey.

    Thank you so much!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Markoss84 wrote: »
    We are on the same page! I was here and lost 53 lbs! after quitting for a while I gained back 24 lbs in a year or so..I just joined few days ago and want to get back on track, I need to loose weight and get lean again.. I wanna kill that old habit and eating clean again as I used to be..

    Feel free to add me for motivation and support :) we got this!

    Thank you! I really appreciate it. One of my goals is to cut out soda ( for the most part). I drink too much of it. Also I need to cut down on the snacking. I think I've been eating because I'm bored or depressed. Not good.
  • Gosh eating out of boredom is my biggest issue and it's so hard to break!

  • Thank you! I really appreciate it. One of my goals is to cut out soda ( for the most part). I drink too much of it. Also I need to cut down on the snacking. I think I've been eating because I'm bored or depressed. Not good.

    Don't worry! we are on the same page! I prefer to cut it gradually. Means like drinking soda once a week as a reward instead of fully cutting it which will lead to fail of diet! I always don't believe in diet, however I do believe in changing the life style.. it is like 70% eating clean 30% is to treat ur self between time to time.

    I do eat snakcs when I'm bored and depressed too, but I think we can change this habit and trying to change our bad snacks into healthy once :) Good luck.
  • @Mackenzie_2012 Good luck, just tell yourself all you have to do is stay consistent...if you're trying to cut sodas, give yourself achievable targets..eg. if you usually have 2 sodas a day, for say the first 2 weeks, bring it down to 1.5 sodas.. then on week 3 and 4, bring it down to 1 soda...etc until you're down to ZERO sodas! :) A good substitute is lemon water - add a slice of lemon, or squeeze a lemon in a glass of water, that can be the new soda...
  • Markoss84 wrote: »
    We are on the same page! I was here and lost 53 lbs! after quitting for a while I gained back 24 lbs in a year or so..I just joined few days ago and want to get back on track, I need to loose weight and get lean again.. I wanna kill that old habit and eating clean again as I used to be..

    Feel free to add me for motivation and support :) we got this!

    Thank you! I really appreciate it. One of my goals is to cut out soda ( for the most part). I drink too much of it. Also I need to cut down on the snacking. I think I've been eating because I'm bored or depressed. Not good.

    Good luck! Fun fact for you, 11 cups of broccoli equals the same number of calories in a regular size Snickers bar. So if you want to snack, veggies can be a filling, low-calorie option. Maybe not as good as a Snickers bar, but it's still tasty.
  • Feel free to add me :) I've been through a similar path and now I'm here and open to help and motivate and support with whatever I can!
  • Hi. I read your story and am the same but I gain my weight after my ap 2yrs ago and I use to be 11st at my biggest now am 14st and am struggling to move it. Don't give up keep going and you will get there; just don't be too hard on yourself. Good luck. If anyone can help motivate me as well please add me. Thank you
  • Hi,
    I think we were on the same boat once or more in our lives. You just get up, laugh it, swear it, shout it off and keep going.
    Feel free to add me ;)

    "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be GREAT!"
  • Motivation is the toughest part of losing weight! I've started and stopped so many times. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by the end of the summer. Eating healthy is 80% and excerising is 20% - the key to losing weight!! Let's all do it together to be healthy and happy once and for all.
  • Hi mackenzie,

    I'm new to this! I'm wearing a size 16 and I'm looking forward to going down to a size 12. I am going to America in October and I'm trying so hard to get there! Been working out in the gym but feel that I need to work harder! I'm here if you'd like to talk!

    Anneka, xx
  • Mackenzie wow! We've had a similar story! I'm at a size 20 pants at the moment and it is the biggest i have ever been. I am looking to become happy and healthy. :^) I sent you a friend request
  • Hello everyone, I have just signed up with MFP and I am looking for some friends to help me stay motivated. Like housework, I dislike exercise but I love the result! I have a full set of weights at home but by the time I am finished the workday and the commute and the cooking and the laundry.... the couch looks pretty tempting. I need some support to get fit again like I was a year ago. I have a big event this summer and I want to look good and be as fit as possible for it. I appreciate any help I can get. Thanks!
  • Hey - best of luck with it all! I'm also 5'1" and I'm back at my heaviest (over 200lbs) so if you fancy a friend with similar goals, feel free to add me :blush:
  • Thanks, everyone! I've gotten a good amount of friend requests. : ) It's so nice to have support. I've been counting my calories today and I worked out some. I'm excited.