A new healthier me

Well here I am....starting the first day of the new healthier, better me. A little about myself....I am a 36 year old woman who lives in Ohio. I am obese (309 and 5'7) and am having health issues due to my weight. I do not have diabetes, but on my way there and I will not allow it. I know I will never be a size 6, but I am ok with that. I have PCOS with insulin resistance. What that basically means is I don't produce the right type of hormones or process sugar the way the human body is supposed too, so in turn it is harder for me to lose weight then the average person. I have lost weight in the past, but the way I lost it was never healthy. I have fought with mental health issues, eating disorders and addiction in the past. I have overcome those things and am taking care of myself now (hence how I found out about my health issues) I mean I always knew I was obese, but didn't care too much about myself to do anything about it. I am happy to say I am 10 months clean today and on a mission to improve my life in all areas. I have been eating healthy now for two weeks....veggies, fruit, fish, lean meats, nuts and am trying to learn to love oatmeal (not my favorite thing, but I know it is good for me) Today I am going to integrate exercise into my health plan. Any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully I will meet wonderful people throughout my journey. I am starting off with the 30 day walk and planking challenge. I just know if I can complete this, then I am well on my way to being healthier.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Hey Brown! ;)
    Welcome, I see so many commonalities in what you've shared. So glad you've joined us :)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Thank you hearts....I have very few friends on here so if you would like, I would love to add you. Maybe we can share experiences
  • Its funny how much weight we lose when we let go of the emotional baggage we carry cos of how we let others have a negative effect on our lives. I suffered from an eating disorder when I was younger and was called too thin by lots of people but now I'm the one calling myself too fat. Life is funny that way sometimes. If you can beat your past then you can SHAPE your future. Chicken is my new favourite thing now!!! Have fun experimenting with food, there are lots of low carb and low GI recipes online. One day at a time, one little step after another and you'll finish the race stronger, fitter and healthier than ever. Good luck!!!
  • There's lots of things you can do to make oatmeal taste better. How much do you have?

    I have 30g of rolled oats (before they are cooked), 100g of skim milk and 100g of fruit, whether it's out of a tin, a banana or some feijoas. I also have a scoop of protein powder on the side, but if it is a good flavour like banana or chocolate, it sometimes tastes good to mix with the protein powder in addition to/instead of milk.

    Some people add raisins to oatmeal. Some people add a teaspoon of chocolate chips. Google is your friend, my friend :) Best of luck.