My journey so far!!!

im starting off with my first of many journey photos:

So in February my dad had a quadruple by-pass surgery. Pretty scary *kitten*! The cardiologist dietician said get my fitness pal! My step mom asked if I could go walking with her and she roped me into trying it out. Day one when the thing said I could eat 2800 calories a day I was thinking to myself I probably don't eat that much in a day. Do you know how many calories is in a McDonald's steak egg and cheese bagel meal with a large sweet tea? About 1000 calories. And top that off with horrible eating and no wonder I was over 300 pounds. I am 6'2 but I was unhealthy. Now I stay between 1500 and 1800 calories a day. That same dietician told my parents when they asked what food to stay away from the dietician responded saying nothing! She said log your meals and stay below the calorie intake and you will lose weight! I will eat breakfast at McDonald's but now I get a egg white delight and a water only 270 calories or around that. I switch from regular soda to one that has 0 calories, I drink skim milk instead of 2%. I eat a candy bar or ice cream but I stay under my goal. I work out but I don't use the "extra" calories that it tells you that you can eat. I don't run every day and most days my total distance walked is about 5 miles just from work. Hopefully this might help you in your endeavor and I will post again in another month. I should be down to 250-255 by then and another transformation picture will go up. My goal weight is 210 and I want to train to run In a 10k in one year. Please add me and keep me accountable in our journey toward being healthy and fit!!!!


  • Nice work! So great that you have been smart enough to make the changes you needed to make to have success! Congratulations!
  • Awesome job it's really hard to get your mind to make those changes too!
  • That's great! Congrats!
  • Thank you! It isn't even that hard any more because I weigh the options of "should I eat that or not" game.
  • Well done
  • Excellent