Women 5'7" goals/weight

Hi Ladies!
I am curious to those who are 5'7", what is your current weight? Goal weight, highest weight, lowest weight, exercise per day, and calorie intake per day.
I just want to see where I should be aiming for (I know bodies are different, but I want a general idea).
Thank you in advance!
Will keep posting on this thread.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    HI there! Thought I'd take a moment to respond to this thread.

    CW: 157.2
    GW: 130 and then we'll see
    HW: 207 (pregnancy back to back)
    Exercise per day: Running 3x a week, walk daily around 30 mins
    Calorie intake: I haven't been tracking for a week or so, but it says my aim should be 1200. . . I find it hard not to overshoot that number.

    Looking forward to seeing all the responses : )
  • SW: 169
    CW: 132
    GW: 129
    Exercise: 5 times per week, variety. Cardio (bike etc), + some weights, walking, 1 x / wk Zumba
    Maintenance calories are around 1650 I believe.
  • I'm 5'8" but I figured that might be close enough :)
    starting weight- 250 (not sure of current weight because I'm not weighing in until June 30th)
    GW- 150
    Highest weight- 260
    Lowest weight- 140

    My exercise varies daily, but I usually walk/jog for 30min a day right now. I have been out of the gym for a couple months since moving, but we are signing back up this weekend and then I will be doing a mix of lifting and some cardio 3-5 days a week. And my intake is around 1700 cal/day for right now.
  • I'm 5'8
    Starting weight 245
    CW: 240
    GW: 180
    Highest weight: 250
    Lowest weight 150
    I walk all day at work and lift very heavy objects also, then do zumba for an 1hr four days out of the week. I just started zumba tho! Calorie intake about 1600 or so!
  • CW: 134
    GW: 127
    LW: 120
    I don't count my calories. I just try to eat more than 50% of each meal raw veggies and fruit.
    I stick to mainly vegetarian diet.
  • cw = 136 lbs
    gw = might maintain here, might lose 5 or so pounds
    highest weight = 198 (years ago - that was not my starting weight this time. my starting weight for my deliberate weight loss 4 yrs ago was 178, got down to 124 stayed there for years, then regained. Starting weight was ~145 this time.)
    lowest weight = 115 (not on purpose) and 124 (on purpose)
    exercise per day = depends. on hiatus right now but usually 45 mins on a bike, or resistance, 3-5 days/week
    calories = 2000-2300 for a long time, including when i was 124. now eating more like 1900 because exercising less - still losing
  • I'm 5'8
    HW: 177
    CW: 150
    LW: 133
    My goal weight is 135. I workout 4-5 days a week for about 40min-1h30.
    On average I have around 1700 kcals a day. Most of my meals are raw plant based
  • I'm 5'7. Current weight 154. Target weight 140 to begin with, then maybe 130 depending on how I look and feel. I'm not very curvy so figure I should be aiming for the lower end of normal BMI ultimately.
  • I'm 5' 8"
    CW 210
    GW 150
    I'm going on 1300 cal a day.
    I am walking/running about 2 miles a day.
  • I am 5.7.
    CW: 165
    GW: 132 (I think I will want to carry on after this to get to 120, but for starters)
    LW: 116 (Bikini Model in younger years)
    HW: 174

    1200 calories a day, which I find I can manage 9 days out of 10. I have no intention of increasing this.

    I ride a stationary bike a couple of times a week 20mins at a time and am going to start some weight training this week, whatever my energy levels can manage. I will pick up the pace down the line. One thing at a time.