Always feeling hungry

I am looking for snack ideas that will make me feel full. I usually eat fruits and veggies, but that gets old. Any suggestions?


  • i mix 1 Tbsp of chia seeds in my shake ( ex. banana-strawberry-almond milk shake). makes me feel full for hours plus a giid source of omega 3.
  • I find that if you literally can eat a chicken breast for a snack, which is totally weird and I haven't been able to pull off till this year (in a college dorm there is more free time), you will be full for like 140 calories.

    I know that isn't practical, but if you cook it overnight and put it in a bag it could work.
  • Rather than just having plain fruit and veg try adding some hummus, Greek yoghurt, peanut butter or other nut butter. I find the addition of protein tends to keep the hunger at bay a bit longer. Other options to try could be a hard boiled egg, sliced deli meats or a can of tuna (these can be high in salt though so, keep that in mind if you're watching your sodium intake).
  • Rather than just having plain fruit and veg try adding some hummus, Greek yoghurt, peanut butter or other nut butter. I find the addition of protein tends to keep the hunger at bay a bit longer. Other options to try could be a hard boiled egg, sliced deli meats or a can of tuna (these can be high in salt though so, keep that in mind if you're watching your sodium intake).

    I just wanted to add that peanut butter is really easy to overeat, and so is hummus. They are both higher in calories per serving than an entire chicken breast. The egg is a really good idea, though. If you just eat egg whites they are only 17 calories an egg.
  • I just wanted to add that peanut butter is really easy to overeat, and so is hummus. They are both higher in calories per serving than an entire chicken breast. The egg is a really good idea, though. If you just eat egg whites they are only 17 calories an egg.
    Agreed, peanut butter and hummus are easy to overeat so, I guess the idea there is to weigh out your servings if you're going to have those things. I tend to go for the whole egg rather than just the whites as I find it more satisfying but, that's personal choice. The chicken breast idea is great (and clearly the best option for the calorie 'investment') if you've got the time to prepare it.

  • Protein snacks always worked for me. Beef jerkey, hard boiled eggs, Greek yogurt are some good choices.
  • One cup of full-fat whole milk yogurt with a tablespoon of chia seeds mixed in real good and some blueberries on top.
  • Someone told me that foods high in fiber will make you feel full. Is this true? These are snacks that don't need much to prepare. The egg idea would be easy, but I'm not sure about the peanut butter. I would probably eat too much of it.
  • I find that if you literally can eat a chicken breast for a snack, which is totally weird and I haven't been able to pull off till this year (in a college dorm there is more free time), you will be full for like 140 calories.

    I know that isn't practical, but if you cook it overnight and put it in a bag it could work.

    I do that every day! I don't see how anyone can NOT pull it off... It's just eating. Most of ths time I don't pay attention to what others are eating, and I imagine most other people are the same. :p We just don't care. So you rock that chicken in a bag!
  • Someone told me that foods high in fiber will make you feel full. Is this true? These are snacks that don't need much to prepare. The egg idea would be easy, but I'm not sure about the peanut butter. I would probably eat too much of it.

    Protein, fat, and fiber are generally the things you want to help you feel full. But it's going to be a little different for everyone.
  • I am looking for snack ideas that will make me feel full. I usually eat fruits and veggies, but that gets old. Any suggestions?

    Definitely protein is the way to go. Protein makes you feel fuller longer than carbs and fats. Low-fat and fat-free dairy can be a good idea, because dairy is one food that doesn't replace fat with sodium and sugar if you need to avoid those, and is a good protein source. I used to have a yogurt and milk for a snack mid-morning at work every day. Some people choose cottage cheese. You can make cottage cheese interesting by adding different kinds of fruit to it.
  • Thanks for the tip mccindy. I've never tried cottage cheese, but I'm open to try new things.