I am new here

Hi , I'm new here too. I am at my heaviest , which I don't like. I want to lose weight to show off at my friends that I am capable of doing lots, look good, and most of all for myself. I honestly dislike how people look at me . So I want to change ! But I need support to keep going. I need to lose 50lbs. My target is to lose at least a pound, I know that's a low target but I have never lost weight before so it is my first time. Wish me luck


  • You can do it! The hardest part is making the decision to do something about it. You've already made a huge jump in the right direction by signing onto MFP. My best piece of advice is to track before you eat instead of after. It helps a lot. I have actually been planning my whole day, including snacks, the night before. It only takes a few minutes and removes a lot of anxiety about food. I'm sending you a friend request so we can help motivate each other. Good luck!
  • You can do it! But do it for yourself and your own health, not others. One day at a time... :)
  • Do it for yourself and not for others. Remember that every pound lost is a victory and deserves to be celebrated. Keep positive and feel free to ad me if you need more support. Good luck!
  • Aww thank sooooo much for all the support I reay appreciate it !