Just Another Plateau and Weigh-In Thread



  • I love this. I love you. I haven't lost any weight since reading it though. :lol:
  • I only started using MFP 3 weeks ago, so what I am seeing may just be the initial phase. This is what my graph looks like so far:

    My weight loss up to now is surprisingly linear.

    I set my goals using the calculator when I joined and said I wanted to lose 1 kg/week. I was surprised when I started losing 2 kg a week. If it continues like this, I am going to hit my goal weight by the end of the month. I have thought about reducing the deficit, but then I keep expecting it to slow down to the predicted 1 kg/week anyway. If it doesn't slow down before I hit 81 kg, I'm going to re-evaluate my goals and reduce the deficit.

    Note: the daily weighing only started on April 20 when I bought a new, more accurate scales.

    It was very linear at first for me too... after about 2 months that's when it started being really weird, with stalls of 2-3 weeks every month.
  • aimeerace wrote: »
    I love this. I love you. I haven't lost any weight since reading it though. :lol:

    So you're saying reading this post actually causes plateaus?
  • aimeerace wrote: »
    I love this. I love you. I haven't lost any weight since reading it though. :lol:

    You've probably plateaued
  • aimeerace wrote: »
    I love this. I love you. I haven't lost any weight since reading it though. :lol:

    So you're saying reading this post actually causes plateaus?

    ceoverturf wrote: »
    aimeerace wrote: »
    I love this. I love you. I haven't lost any weight since reading it though. :lol:

    You've probably plateaued

    Giggle Snort. It's such a good post. It really summed up the frustration of many on here that see these threads day in day out.
  • I'm off to find the vote to sticky a stickyable thread now...
  • I downloaded the libra app for this very reason
  • I reject your logic and substitute my own. Clearly I did not lose any weight between September 5th and October 5th. A whole month WASTED!! :'(

  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    TL;DR, sorry....snort...Okay, I'm not. Plateaus don't exist, eating too much does :smiley:

  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    TL;DR, sorry....snort...Okay, I'm not. Plateaus don't exist, eating too much does :smiley:

  • Fine. I guess I'll be the lone voice to say how arrogant you seem to dictate what others can post. You could have posted a very helpful thread about plateaus and avoided the insults and looked like a great guy.

    Just don't read any threads with plateau in it if it irritates you so much.
  • wahoowad wrote: »
    Fine. I guess I'll be the lone voice to say how arrogant you seem to dictate what others can post. You could have posted a very helpful thread about plateaus and avoided the insults and looked like a great guy.

    Just don't read any threads with plateau in it if it irritates you so much.

  • ncboiler89 wrote: »
    To delve into this just a little bit further (sorry :( ), I have 118 data points for my weight. Because Excel allows a person to rule the world I asked myself the question; If I weighed myself only once per week how often would I show a gain and how often would I show a loss? So what I did was subtract two data points that were eight days apart (simulating weighing myself on the same day of the week once per week). I ended up with 111 data points. Eighty-six times I would have shown a loss, twenty times I would have shown a gain and five times it would have been the same as the previous week. About 22% of the time I would have been heartbroken and thus a plateau thread.
    I find this extremely interesting! Im a daily weigher and i always thought id hate weighing weekly or less, because what if it happened to be a day i was up, appearing as if id lost nothing.

    Kudos to you for doing all the math though!

    And best of luck lol. You're probably going to be extra infuriated in like 30seconds when someone makes a new post asking if theyre in a plateau.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »


  • Bumping this thread until it's a sticky.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Great thread. Yes the initial post is lengthy, but I don't think there is a really concise way to convey that information.

    It drives me nuts when someone starts a thread with "I lost X pounds in March and then barely lost anything in April, OMG plateau!!!". Weight fluctuates a lot, you probably lost <X in March (maybe you had a super light day at the end of the month compared with a super heavy day at the beginning of the month) and you probably lost more than you think in April.

    Then when things eventually work themselves out you get the thread that they broke their plateau by eating more or cutting carbs or shocking their body or toxin cleanse or whatever other random thing they just happened to do right before they lost some water weight.