Too much sodium and protein, but plenty of Calories to spare...

I'm new to all of this and may have what will seem like a dumb question but... I'm eating a lot healthier than I'm used to and most days I'm coming well under my calorie allowance but have noticed I'm usually slipping over what I should be getting in terms of Sodium and Protein, sometimes by a lot.

My question is if I continue to eat under my calorie allowance while going over in Sodium and Protein will I still continue to lose weight?


  • Think of protein as a minimum. It's really hard to eat too much of it. As far as sodium goes, I typically go over but compensate with water. I have to be especially careful because I have (controlled) hypertension, but going a little over on sodium is okay as long as it's not excessive and you drink plenty of water too. The goals MFP sets for you are typically minimums. Going over (besides calories) is rarely detrimental.
  • And to answer your question, unless you drink water to flush out the sodium, you may retain a little water, but yes you will still lose weight.
  • As long as you don't have problems which would force you to limit your sodium, I wouldn't worry about it too much. That said, too much sodium on a regular basis isn't necessarily good, either. The American Heart Association is now recommending that all adults limit sodium to under 1500 mg per day but, honestly, it's pretty difficult to do unless you're cooking all of your meals.

    If you want to reduce your sodium intake a bit, take a look at your diary for the heavy hitters. They are bound to be anything from a box or can (soup, mac&cheese, chili, etc.), deli meats, frozen meals (Lean Cuisine, etc.) cottage cheese or salsa.
  • I am over on my sodium almost every day. Sometimes by more then double. I joke with my wife that I wake up with negative sodium. I finally quit trying to fight it. I usually have 200-300 calories left everyday, I am eating way better then I used to, I am drinking a lot more water, and that is good enough for me.
  • Cook your own food so you can control the sodium levels. Most food outside of the house or that comes in a package will be high in that. I know its hard when you're getting started, so maybe don't worry about it so much for now, just trying to get your head in a good place. Overall your body appreciates the healthier choices.
  • Pay attention to calories first! You are doing well.
  • Thank you guys, I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond... and yes to answer I drink plenty of water every day and have no conditions that I know of that require me to limit sodium.
  • It depends on how you eat. I try to consume around 4 grams of sodium a day.