Please be honest.



  • rainbowbow wrote: »

    If i were you, i WOULD be okay with going out in a bikini at that stage, however, as suggested above i'd probably wear a sarong mid-leg length that is flowey and sheer. That way you'd be flashing some leg (which looks nice) and it'd accentuate your waist/chest area while only really covering your problem area (your hip/thigh/butt).

    Either way though, i think it's most important that you feel comfortable wearing it out. And of course, my opinions on another persons body don't mean jack crap. :) Feel free to take anything that was helpful and ignore anything that wasnt.

    Seconded, You look better than many wearing less on the beaches...I agree with the sheer sarong though.
  • rainbowbow wrote: »
    Ah, okay, OP. I'll be honest then... let's hope i don't get flagged out the wazoo....

    My personal opinion is that you are definitely on the chubby side... but not enough to cross the threshold of being too big to wear a bikini. You have a pretty nice body, but i think it could be even nicer with some weight lifting and fat loss.

    I can see that you're a pear (like i am) and have more pudge on the outer corners of your hips/thighs than your stomach. I know you said your stomach is your problem area, but honestly i don't see that at all.

    If i were you, i WOULD be okay with going out in a bikini at that stage, however, as suggested above i'd probably wear a sarong mid-leg length that is flowey and sheer. That way you'd be flashing some leg (which looks nice) and it'd accentuate your waist/chest area while only really covering your problem area (your hip/thigh/butt).

    Either way though, i think it's most important that you feel comfortable wearing it out. And of course, my opinions on another persons body don't mean jack crap. :) Feel free to take anything that was helpful and ignore anything that wasnt.

    Thank you. :) I was going to say, i'm the freaking poster child for too much damn cardio and no lifting. lol I look great with clothes on. but whomp whomp naked. I'm almost at my goal weight and still not freaking happy, so annoying. My bottom half is definitely gah! I think i'm mostly insecure about my stomach because i've never shown it off if that makes sense.

    See I think you said that very nicely. lol

    I actually have a high waist suit that I do think I look great in, but i want a real bikini damnit!

    I want to wear a swimsuit like this...


    But unlike you... i don't have the bust for it! XD

    There's always going to be something we nit pick about ourselves.
  • I'm hoping to actually be in the water. :wink: :)
  • rainbowbow wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    Ah, okay, OP. I'll be honest then... let's hope i don't get flagged out the wazoo....

    My personal opinion is that you are definitely on the chubby side... but not enough to cross the threshold of being too big to wear a bikini. You have a pretty nice body, but i think it could be even nicer with some weight lifting and fat loss.

    I can see that you're a pear (like i am) and have more pudge on the outer corners of your hips/thighs than your stomach. I know you said your stomach is your problem area, but honestly i don't see that at all.

    If i were you, i WOULD be okay with going out in a bikini at that stage, however, as suggested above i'd probably wear a sarong mid-leg length that is flowey and sheer. That way you'd be flashing some leg (which looks nice) and it'd accentuate your waist/chest area while only really covering your problem area (your hip/thigh/butt).

    Either way though, i think it's most important that you feel comfortable wearing it out. And of course, my opinions on another persons body don't mean jack crap. :) Feel free to take anything that was helpful and ignore anything that wasnt.

    Thank you. :) I was going to say, i'm the freaking poster child for too much damn cardio and no lifting. lol I look great with clothes on. but whomp whomp naked. I'm almost at my goal weight and still not freaking happy, so annoying. My bottom half is definitely gah! I think i'm mostly insecure about my stomach because i've never shown it off if that makes sense.

    See I think you said that very nicely. lol

    I actually have a high waist suit that I do think I look great in, but i want a real bikini damnit!

    I want to wear a swimsuit like this...


    But unlike you... i don't have the bust for it! XD

    There's always going to be something we nit pick about ourselves.

    no for sure which is why I needed some input.

    I have to constantly take pictures of myself to actually see myself. I don't trust what I see in the mirror anymore. The suit was just harder for me to decide.

    that is a wicked suit though. I'm sure you can pull it off!!! The suit i'm wearing has a push up bra thing so it's all an illusion. ;)
  • It sucks to feel like you have to look for outside approval. It sucks to not be okay with yourself i guess. And i'm still working on my body so if you honestly wouldn't wear a bikini if you looked like this then I really don't mind you saying so. I'm still not sure I feel comfortable enough to do it so i'm trying to decide....though in all honesty this is for sure the closest i've gotten so i feel sort of proud about that.

    I realized the other day looking at clothes online and seeing cropped tops that my bare belly has not been seen in public since the 1970's. I have only been overweight for 15 years. I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable wearing a bikini.

    I think you look perfectly fine in your bikini. It looks like it fits you well and I love the color.
  • I am envious. I haven't worn a bikini since my early 20's. I think you look fine. If I had your figure, I'd wear a bikini (at age 64, mind you). I'd want my bottom piece to come up a little, but that is a matter of personal preference. If you feel comfortable, then go for it! Trust me, you will look better then 50% of other women "attempting" to rock a bikini!
  • rainbowbow wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    Ah, okay, OP. I'll be honest then... let's hope i don't get flagged out the wazoo....

    My personal opinion is that you are definitely on the chubby side... but not enough to cross the threshold of being too big to wear a bikini. You have a pretty nice body, but i think it could be even nicer with some weight lifting and fat loss.

    I can see that you're a pear (like i am) and have more pudge on the outer corners of your hips/thighs than your stomach. I know you said your stomach is your problem area, but honestly i don't see that at all.

    If i were you, i WOULD be okay with going out in a bikini at that stage, however, as suggested above i'd probably wear a sarong mid-leg length that is flowey and sheer. That way you'd be flashing some leg (which looks nice) and it'd accentuate your waist/chest area while only really covering your problem area (your hip/thigh/butt).

    Either way though, i think it's most important that you feel comfortable wearing it out. And of course, my opinions on another persons body don't mean jack crap. :) Feel free to take anything that was helpful and ignore anything that wasnt.

    Thank you. :) I was going to say, i'm the freaking poster child for too much damn cardio and no lifting. lol I look great with clothes on. but whomp whomp naked. I'm almost at my goal weight and still not freaking happy, so annoying. My bottom half is definitely gah! I think i'm mostly insecure about my stomach because i've never shown it off if that makes sense.

    See I think you said that very nicely. lol

    I actually have a high waist suit that I do think I look great in, but i want a real bikini damnit!

    I want to wear a swimsuit like this...


    But unlike you... i don't have the bust for it! XD

    There's always going to be something we nit pick about ourselves.

    That would leave a weird tan! Luckily for me, I don't tan! LOL!
  • That looks pretty awesome to me. Like others have said, just be confident with it.
  • Thank you everyone. :)

    I really wasn't fishing for compliments so I hope you're all being honest. I totally have a ways to go before I get to where I want to be, but I want to feel good in the mean time.

    I really need to face the facts and lift weights.
  • Thank you everyone. :)

    I really need to face the facts and lift weights.

    I didn't want to for the longest time. I was afraid to, too nervous to, and thought it was going to make me look like a man.

    Believe me when i say it completely reshaped my body faster than months of cardio.


    If you're serious about getting into it i'd suggest The New Rules of Lifting for Women. it has step by step details, good pictures, and it helps get you acquainted with lifting. :)
  • We look quite similar, your legs are size or two smaller, and I rock a bikini anytime I go to the river. Trust me, you look freaking awesome, be confident and all the guys will be drooling.
  • I think you've got great curves to do a bikini justice - that said, I'd try a size up, ya look just a teeny tiny bit smooshed.
  • Rock it girl ... You look great ...have a fun summer !!
  • rainbowbow wrote: »
    Thank you everyone. :)

    I really need to face the facts and lift weights.

    I didn't want to for the longest time. I was afraid to, too nervous to, and thought it was going to make me look like a man.

    Believe me when i say it completely reshaped my body faster than months of cardio.


    If you're serious about getting into it i'd suggest The New Rules of Lifting for Women. it has step by step details, good pictures, and it helps get you acquainted with lifting. :)

    not scared, just lazy, and I don't have a gym membership so I'll have to figure out the bodyweight strength training or invest in some weights, it's overwhelming.

    I actually have that book but yet to crack it open. Ok maybe I'm intimidated. Lol
  • I think you look great in that bikini & I guarantee my husband would watch you walking away. Ok, if we want to be about "perfect" or "aspirational" bodies, you fall a little short. On the general beach or poolside, though, you are in the 80th percentile by far. You surely wouldn't offend most people (if any...imo, anyone who would be actually offended by your body in that suit is being unreasonable) and I think many people would find you rockin' / worthy/ sexy.

    Lift cause it is awesome, by the way. I highly encourage the lifting of heavy things. :) The amount of body change from it is kind of ridiculous, or has been for me, and I could currently NOT wear that bikini. Still, under the extra weight, the muscle change is there. It is wild how well lifting works.
  • You look great, wear what makes you comfortable.
  • Thank you everyone.

    I tried it on again and felt a little better in it, the lighting in fitting rooms sucks and I was able to adjust the sides so I wasn't so squished.

    I also bought a tankini that actually looks pretty decent too in case I chicken out.

    I really appreciate all the responses.
  • I would Rock it if I was you...... but it all falls into how you feel afterwards that's the most important part....
  • rainbowbow wrote: »
    Ah, okay, OP. I'll be honest then... let's hope i don't get flagged out the wazoo....

    My personal opinion is that you are definitely on the chubby side... but not enough to cross the threshold of being too big to wear a bikini. You have a pretty nice body, but i think it could be even nicer with some weight lifting and fat loss.

    I can see that you're a pear (like i am) and have more pudge on the outer corners of your hips/thighs than your stomach. I know you said your stomach is your problem area, but honestly i don't see that at all.

    If i were you, i WOULD be okay with going out in a bikini at that stage, however, as suggested above i'd probably wear a sarong mid-leg length that is flowey and sheer. That way you'd be flashing some leg (which looks nice) and it'd accentuate your waist/chest area while only really covering your problem area (your hip/thigh/butt).

    Either way though, i think it's most important that you feel comfortable wearing it out. And of course, my opinions on another persons body don't mean jack crap. :) Feel free to take anything that was helpful and ignore anything that wasnt.

    You want an honest opinion and ^^This^^ is what I was going to say till she said it for me. Yes you look fine in a bikini, if you never wore one and this is your first congrats on that! The down side...

    Although you have a beautiful hourglass figure, you could use some muscle definition and some fat loss. If you did some lifting this could help you look even better especially in the hip/thigh region. Its a great start but needs some work. Congrats for what you accomplished so far
  • Thank you. :)

    Well if you think about it, now I have an awesome all I do is run and before lifting picture. ;)

    Its just crazy to me that I can be at my original goal weight and still not like what I see. I like it better but.... It's like everything you thought to be true and that you learned all your life was a lie.