CleanUpWhatIMessedUp wrote: » Definitely yes. Your body looks great to me. I know some people have their problem areas that they are sensitive about, so if you feel like you have that, then maybe go with little swim shorts instead of a bikini bottom or one of those little rap around things (can't think of the name!).
sassykitkat22 wrote: » I've never worn a bikini in my life. Please be honest, yay or nay? I get the whole if you have a body and a bikini then you have a bikini body but...just please be honest.... Thank you.
sassykitkat22 wrote: » CleanUpWhatIMessedUp wrote: » Definitely yes. Your body looks great to me. I know some people have their problem areas that they are sensitive about, so if you feel like you have that, then maybe go with little swim shorts instead of a bikini bottom or one of those little rap around things (can't think of the name!). I've been reading that with a pear shaped body that you should try to stay away from the swim shorts because it calls attention to the bottom? I have another pair of bottoms that are solid black that go a little closer to my belly button I may try. I'm mostly uncomfortable about my stomach.
jnv7594 wrote: » You look beautiful. My only concern is that mole on your side, lol. It's pretty dark...get it checked. Sorry, I'm just a bit paranoid. I had malignant melanoma 8 years ago...not fun.
rainbowbow wrote: » Ah, okay, OP. I'll be honest then... let's hope i don't get flagged out the wazoo.... My personal opinion is that you are definitely on the chubby side... but not enough to cross the threshold of being too big to wear a bikini. You have a pretty nice body, but i think it could be even nicer with some weight lifting and fat loss. I can see that you're a pear (like i am) and have more pudge on the outer corners of your hips/thighs than your stomach. I know you said your stomach is your problem area, but honestly i don't see that at all. If i were you, i WOULD be okay with going out in a bikini at that stage, however, as suggested above i'd probably wear a sarong mid-leg length that is flowey and sheer. That way you'd be flashing some leg (which looks nice) and it'd accentuate your waist/chest area while only really covering your problem area (your hip/thigh/butt). Either way though, i think it's most important that you feel comfortable wearing it out. And of course, my opinions on another persons body don't mean jack crap. Feel free to take anything that was helpful and ignore anything that wasnt.