eating healthy on the road

Hi everyone,
So here's what's going on. My job requires me to be away from home for weeks at a time, staying in motel 6's with no stove or microwave. I feel semi good about my eating habits at the moment. Just want to reassure myself a few things. I've been eating turkey subs on wheat bread and stuff like that from subway. A few of there chopped salads but I don't really like them due to only iceberg lettuce. Also mcdonalds chicken wraps with no sauce and taco bell cantina burritos and bowls (chicken). Now I understand this is not the healthuest way if living. But if I meat my goal or stay under for the day should I be ok. I am also running and working out in my room when dine with work. Actually enjoying starting c25k at the moment ( never been much if a runner). I've been trying to make the healthuest decisions for my curcumstances. (Absolutely no soda or juices. Only vitamin water 0cal and a gallon if water every day. MFP still says I will be down10+ pounds in the next 5 weeks (never did believe those estimates) What's your take on this. Should I be ok. Thanks overyone


  • MFP's future weight estimates are not reliable. But yes, if you met your CICO goal each day, you can lose weight. I ate fast food for all three meals today because I'm on the road, and came in on target. I'm losing 1-2 pounds a week doing that. If I want to eat more, I work out to get more calories. Is it the best way? No, but it's working for me at the moment. It sounds like you are trying to make good choices.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Eating healthy or eating the right number of calories? Your subject asks about healthy eating.
    but you're worried that all that fast food isn't healthy? Is that it the question?
  • Eating in a manner that will allow me to lose weight without negative effects
  • Eating in a manner that will allow me to lose weight without negative effects

    Then what you're doing is probably fine. I don't normally say look at sodium, but if much of your diet is fast food, watch the sodium. When I was losing I was on the road 8-5 most days. I had a lot of salads with protein at smaller restaurants etc. Don't limit yourself to fast food, there's a lot of good and healthy food out there! Good luck!
  • As a road warrior for work, this is a constant challenge for me as well. I try to stay in hotels with refrigerators (Residence Inn & Homewood Suites have kitchens, not to mention breakfast everyday and dinner most nights) and I hit the grocery store for fruit, yogurt, veggies, and even food from the deli (e.g., cooked chicken) to try and increase the amount of real food I consume rather than the Subway and Taco Bell rounds (but I do like that power steak burrito!) I'm often on site at lunch so I need to take food with me as I don't have time to leave for lunch. And then I'm catching the next plane out. It's hard to eat healthy under travel circumstances. I do travel with instant oatmeal, cup of soup, Skinny Pop, apples, Sheffa snacks, protein bars, and an empty water bottle (to get through TSA) with drink packets of Crystal Light when I want something other than water. Best of luck to you!