7 lbs down... 30(ish) to go!

Long time dieter, long time quitter here!

Trying to do it right this time...

Started the first week in April at 198 and am down to 191 (reliably). I got on the scale last week and had hit 190 and then dropped to 189 (yay!!) but got on this week and was back up to 191! So frustrating. I just want to get below that 190 mark and. stay. there.

I've been really conscious the past two weeks of what I'm eating as a whole instead of just looking at the calories so I know I'm doing this a better way than I have in the past. I've also been down at the gym 6 days a week and am doing a 30 day squat challenge (on day 15 today!) with a friend to keep pushing myself. I know that I'm doing the right things and keep reminding myself that slow and steady wins the race but some days (today) it's so hard and I just want to eat all the things that are delicious instead of being good!

To make it "worse" my partner started the same day I did and he's down 15 and keeps on going--disheartening a little even though I'm happy for him because I know he feels better...


  • Stick to the plan! You are doing great. Add me for support.
  • My story is very similar keep up the great work. We can go this. I am also doing the 30 squat challenge I'm on day 5.
  • In a few months, you'll be saying " 30 lbs down...7 to go!!" You can do it... But the last 10 are the hardest to lose
  • Way to get it!
  • Keep going!! You can do this!! :)

  • Thanks guys! I really appreciate your support. It's hard... but the important things are rarely easy! Woke up feeling a lot more inspired to keep going this morning so thank you all!
  • I am very much like you, have about 31 to lose....started MFP in 2011, stopped in 2012, lost 20 that year while on MFP then decided to join WW, reached my goad weight then gained 20 back (life hassles and no motivation)......I am back with MFP since Monday, May 4th and am feeling great about my choice. I have always loved MFP, just did WW for new motivation. Now that I have to pay with WW, I quit to do this again (FREE and love the app and the Community Forums and People).....add me as a friend as I do not have any yet and want those that are in the similar situation as me. We CAN do this and as you said "slow and steady" wins the race. That mentality helped me in 2011 to lose the 20 pounds. We WILL have good days and bad days, it's picking yourself up the next day and moving forward that will get you where you want to be. Good Luck All!!!