Push me to lose weight

I am a 20 year old girl 5'4 with a big butt. I am trying to lose at least 50 pounds. I am currently 210 pounds can anyone help me?


  • Feel free to add me....I'm 5'3".....45 years old and right now I am 138lb.....my lowest weight was 118lb and I'm trying to get back down to 120lb....I started on MFP in January 2012 at 172lb....I'm on here everyday....best of luck to you.....this site is full of awesome people....we all encourage each other.....:)
  • Start by reading the stickied posts at the top of the forums.

    Then accurately log everything you eat, stay within your calorie deficit, and get a bit of exercise.
  • I really need to lose weight in my arms legs and stomach .... Legs fq4jt0kjpsih.jpg
  • This is an inside job. MFP is a great community and you'll find a lot of support here, but YOU have to push yourself! You have to make a decision and go get it!
  • I am a 20 year old girl 5'4 with a big butt. I am trying to lose at least 50 pounds. I am currently 210 pounds can anyone help me?
    What are you looking for help with? There's a ton of useful information on this site - read the stickies at the top of the Getting Started forum - but you're going to have to push yourself to make the weight loss happen.
    Good luck!
  • It is important to get some traction on yourself to seal in the reasons why you are giving up your favorite foods. The reason needs to be compelling enough to motivate you.

    The best one that has worked for me has been making an Ex jealous. (I know it is silly and jealousy is pretty trivial..but it it worked)
    The one that works for me now is my love of fashion.
  • Fill in your stats here at the site.

    Start weighing your food on a food scale.
    Log everything you eat here in your daily menu
    Eat less calories than you burn daily
    result = weight loss

    Move more .... is burn even more calories ( you can eat some of those back) and result is you get fit too. :)

  • I need people telling me I can do this and not to give up. To not let me skip a day or snack on sweets! I have a one and 1/2 year old daughter and I want to be healthy and live long to see her grow up and have a family of her own!
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    This is an inside job. MFP is a great community and you'll find a lot of support here, but YOU have to push yourself! You have to make a decision and go get it!


    motivation comes from within
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    This is an inside job. MFP is a great community and you'll find a lot of support here, but YOU have to push yourself! You have to make a decision and go get it!

    It is important to get some traction on yourself to seal in the reasons why you are giving up your favorite foods. The reason needs to be compelling enough to motivate you.

    Exactly not!! It's calories in v calories out, and not about cutting anything out. Restriction and deprivation are not sustainable, and that's the goal. Learn to enjoy what you love and make it fit within your calorie goal so you can make an actual lifestyle change you can live with.

  • Nobody can do this for you
    You have to do this for your self.

    But a good motivator would be to take a good look at your self and ask your self do i want to stay this way.
    Do i want to set this example for my daughter.
    Do i want to be healthier and fit.
    Choice is yours
  • I need people telling me I can do this and not to give up. To not let me skip a day or snack on sweets! I have a one and 1/2 year old daughter and I want to be healthy and live long to see her grow up and have a family of her own!

    Sounds like you have a good enough reason right there. There's your motivation. Now find your self control and discipline. Cool thing is, both self control and discipline are like your muscles; they get stronger the more you exercise them.

  • Make sure you are weighing all your food. Eat at a deficit, exercise.

    I recommend educating yourself about the right foods & downloading a training guide, there's some really great ones on bodybuilding.com aswell as videos on how to perform exercises etc :smile:
  • Join Nutrisystem, and join in on our groups NS and Nutrisystem Group Users. Amazing support, great friends, and weight loss, and get healthy. I have lost 21 pounds 75 days later and Two sizes smaller. Loving it! learning portion control, and you can track all your NS food and Add-ins right here on MFP. Hope to see you there. Best of luck. Of course add in your exercise!
  • Your body looks a lot like mine and we are around the same age. Feel free to add me. It's always good to have friends along the way that will give you that little boost to stay on track.
  • Thankyou everyone I want to do this for me and my daughter she deserves a fit mommy that can take her to do whatever her heart desires. Including getting in a bathing suit to go to the pool this summer!
  • I am a 20 year old girl 5'4 with a big butt. I am trying to lose at least 50 pounds. I am currently 210 pounds can anyone help me?

    My advice is to just do it!! Once I started, I realized how long I was just being lazy and making excuses. I was truly disgusted with myself and I was lying to myself for quite some time about that. You've taken the first step to admit you need to and want to lose, and now, you just have to do it. It's a daily decision for a while, but it becomes a habit. Set your goals, don't look for shortcuts, take before pics/measurements, set a few small goals, and watch yourself reach them. MFP is good accountability, but it's all YOU! Way to go girl! Let's see it happen!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Join Nutrisystem, and join in on our groups NS and Nutrisystem Group Users. Amazing support, great friends, and weight loss, and get healthy. I have lost 21 pounds 75 days later and Two sizes smaller. Loving it! learning portion control, and you can track all your NS food and Add-ins right here on MFP. Hope to see you there. Best of luck. Of course add in your exercise!

    Not necessary. Lose weight in 6 simple steps.

    1. Determine your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) - the amount of calories you expend during a regular day.
    2. Calculate of moderate deficit, usually TDEE less 10-20%. Stay at this daily goal. But remember, one bad meal, day, week doesn't spell disaster. See #6.
    3. Weigh (with a digital scale) all your food and measure all your drink. Log all your food and drink honestly and accurately.
    4. Find a physical activity you enjoy. Then go do it. Or at the very least, try to get 10,000 steps daily.
    5. Be consistent, don't give up - even when you don't see progress. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Adopt a new and healthy lifestyle. Don't look for the quick fix (cuz there ain't one).
    6. Make the most of MFP. Get a good friends list. My list consists of men and women who are accomplishing what I want to accomplish. They inspire me.

    Good luck
  • I have a very simple regime which "will" help you and it takes an hour per day. I have a son as well so I know what you mean by trying to find the time. Plus I know this works because I have done it twice and lost a lot of weight. What everyone has told you is correct in that you have to monitor your food. Don't go to the extreme of weighing it thou because you will spend to much time being pedantic and this is to intrusive. The my fitness tool has a scanning utility, just scan and make sure you input accurate measurements equal the amount you input and eat.

    As for training the specific areas to where you have described the places you would like to lose the weight, try these four exercises. It takes me one hour to complete a full session and this is the equivalent of exercising about 600 calories per day. Note this is a constant 60 minutes. The exercise database option to input is "Aerobics General" 60 mins.

    Explanation of the exercises:

    1. Knee ups - Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart & your hands behind your head and crunch your elbow to your opposite knee. Start with 300 lifts and build to 600 lifts.
    2. Upper body twist: Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart & your arms raised at shoulder level but bent at a 90 angle degree, then twist each arm 180 degrees behind you so you end up looking at the opposite position to the way your facing and return to the forward facing position. Start with 300 twists and build to 600 twists.
    3. Side to sides: Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart & your arms & hands flat at the sides of your thighs. As you pivot from the left side to the right side raise either arm so your elbow is facing the ceiling. Start with 300 elbow ups & build to 600 elbow ups.
    4. Leg raises up in front of you and out to the side of you: Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart, raise your knee to your waste, and turn your knee & leg out to the side of your body, as if you were blocking someone kicking you from the way you are facing.

    Now as everyone tells you need to eat less calories and burn more then you eat - Myfitnesspal doesn't reflect the average amount you burn on a daily basis without exercising i.e. mine is 1850 per day, so you need to understand what this is as an average, this will help you understand if you eat more than you burn without exercise. You can get this by inputting your weight and data into a tool on the internet.

    The myfitnesspay app does try to include this "mean" when it gives you an estimate weight for the future. Although don't believe in this estimate, because you will have slow down periods of not losing weight as quickly as you would like, its then when you need to do more exercise and step up your game.

    You need to motivate yourself, and find the time to fit in your exercise, if this means getting up before everyone else and doing then, then do it. Listen to motivational music that inspires you. For me music doesn't do it I need someone to be telling me to stick to the rules, and don't let anyone tell me I can't do it, not much music can provide this kind of motivation. So try listening to motivational speeches with music, from real people who have gone through the pain and come out on the other side as a success. Here is an example:


    Advice, stay away from the running until you have lost sufficient weight to not increase the chances of damaging your joints, running is a quick way of burning calories fast, but until you lose enough weight for your body and joints to cope with the harshening gravity conditions of your body pounding against the concrete, stay clear. Fast walking for a longer period is better for you. (But this is were its difficult because you have to train longer to get the same result, and time is not on your side when you have kids. If you can do so, cycle but again you dont burn calories as quickly but its good for your joints. Find a balance of cardio and areobics once you have reached a desired and sustainable weight, so you can take your game to the next level of burning harder and faster in a shorter time.

    If your desire is to lose weight quickly, and you like your food, this is where volume of specific foods with low calories will make you feel full, so instead of eating that 150g yoghurt that is 180 calories, you can eat some low calorie yoghurt's to the same amount of volume of food but it contains less calories. This is how you win initially. Now don't get use to this idea, because long term I recommend trying to manage on more nature sources of food and equal volume with the higher amount of calories, because most of the lower calorie foods contain sweeteners and all other kinds of rubbish and this isn't good long term.

    Drink at least 2.5 litres of water per day.
    Stay away from nuts, because they contain to many calories, even thou they are healthy.
    Don't drink any fizzy drinks, drink tea, coffee, or water, or when you really need it a homemade OJ.
    Eat Tuna -
    Crackerbread Ryvita's

    and to many more to name......

    I hope this long review helps you and you use it because believe you me, if you can add some of this to your daily routine, you will be flying!!

    Good Luck

  • PS: I have been using the myfitnesspal app since its introduction but I never shared any of my tips, or bothered to write posts, as you can see this is my first post, but don't let what I have mentioned sway you because I have been training for years and I now have an acceptable physic that I am happy with. Oh one other thing, weight fluctuates like crazy because of fluid. The body is made up of mostly water, so before and after training weigh ins, can show completely different measurement. Weigh yourself regularly but don't get obsessed with it, use your regular weigh ins to help you be influenced and motivated to continue on your journey. Right down all of your measurements and track them ever 2 weeks only.

    2 other things I recommend you monitor, your visceral fat levels and your fat %, these are just as important to reduce as you take on the journey of losing weight. These 3 tools will also help you with losing weight more quickly and allow you to monitor your weight more effectively.

    Sweat Suit

    Everlast Belt

