
So disappointed with myself right now. Worked so hard lifting, eating well and being a positive role model for my kids over last 6 months. I lost 21lbs and felt like a new person, good skin,mind,body etc. Only to go and put 14lbs back on in last month! I'm tired, grumpy and lazy. I only have myself to blame. Suppose I'm just putting it out here to make me feel more accountable and get back on track. Just finished paying for our first family holiday booked for august and really want to feel relaxed and confident with myself :-(


  • You can't take back what has happened, only move forward. A family vacation is a great motivator to get back on track. You can do it.
  • I've done the same: I lost nearly 20 lbs when my husband was deployed and in 2 months gained back 15. I feel terrible but I have tickets to go to Vegas the 18th of June and I don't want to feel this big when I go. I'm 5'9" and 185 lbs. If I can lose at least 10 lbs, I'd be thrilled.

    Sounds like we are in the same boat, but don't beat yourself up over it. Just let it be a warning that it's easy to fall back into bad habits. We're human, prone to error. It's an important lesson to yourself and your children. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again :)
  • Thank you. Just needed to put it out here I suppose. Need to remind myself what's more important, Wine and choc or my health and happiness. Thanks for words of motivation. :smiley:
  • We've all done it. Yo-yoing isn't good for you or fun, but all you can do is move forward. I was down 20 pounds a year ago, and gained 30 of it back. This time, I'm down almost 60. The important thing, I think, is to take stock of what happened, and learn from it. In my case, I achieved my first goal, and didn't have a second goal out there . . . without a goal, I lost motivation and took my eye off the ball.
  • It doesn't matter what you did in the past, only that you learned something from it.
  • Wine and chocolate can be a part of your health and happiness :)

    Some good advice I heard recently, you don't really gain anything from spending time ruminating over slip ups that you may make, keep your focus on making the next meal back on plan.
  • Yes I've definitely learned my lesson! Feeling loads more positive hearing I'm not the only one who's done this. 14 weeks till my hol. Tomorrows a new day. Back to my positive hard working self I think! Thank you :-)
  • 14 weeks is a long time . . . DEFINATELY enough to make yourself feel better!!!
  • Yes even if I can manage 1/2 lb week. If I keep lifting and training in my martial arts I'm hoping I'll feel loads better. Thanks again for some kind words.
  • The stats on people regaining weight after a significant loss cycle can be pretty dismal, so don't beat yourself up about it. I dropped 60 lbs a couple years ago just to gain half of it back last year after a stressful move. When I saw the scale jumping up again a couple weeks ago I had to take a hard look at the habits I fell back into and start logging again.

    Just remember, you did it once and you can do it again.
  • Thank you this will be my mantra over the next few months now as I get back on track! I know how good I felt before but just got on a downward spiral and lost track of my long term goal of being fit and healthy!
  • We've all done it. Just shake it off, move on.
  • Lost 40 lbs couple years ago and put it ALL back I am trying to get it off again. Yo-yoing sucks but it is good to know that most people on this site have been through the same. can do that!!! ;) Good luck!
  • Yep....what everyone else has said....I lost about 50lb and I've put back on 18lb....trying to get that 18lb off....again!!!!....good can do this!!!!'s happened to many of us.....:)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Ashamed? I see no reason to be "ashamed".

    There is a reason why "long term successful weight loss" is defined as strictly as "intentionally losing at least 10% of your initial body weight and then keeping it off for at least 1 year". And the whopping success rate for that is, are you ready?, here it comes... slightly greater than 20%!

    Of course I (and you, why not) are special snowflakes, darn it, and this time around we WILL join the National Weight Control Registry where successful long-term weight loss maintainers average a 5.5 year loss of 30kg (66lbs).

    Figure out what worked and what didn't work, and internalize that losing weight is not a short term battle! Try to tilt the odds in your favour by losing weight using reasonable caloric deficits that minimally trigger your body to adapt while also helping you retain lean body mass. And by changing the way you eat and move in ways that you can continue to practice... indefinitely.

    And enjoy your vacation too :smile:
  • Pull up your bootstraps and get back to it!
  • amyobefit wrote: »
    So disappointed with myself right now. Worked so hard lifting, eating well and being a positive role model for my kids over last 6 months. I lost 21lbs and felt like a new person, good skin,mind,body etc. Only to go and put 14lbs back on in last month! I'm tired, grumpy and lazy. I only have myself to blame. Suppose I'm just putting it out here to make me feel more accountable and get back on track. Just finished paying for our first family holiday booked for august and really want to feel relaxed and confident with myself :-(

    Part of being a good role model is positively modeling setbacks and how you deal with them. You got this.
  • it's easy to slide back and back and back and back. ;)

    the important thing is to learn from it, and start doing better again!
  • I've done it myself plenty of times before coming here, you lose a bit, slip into old patterns and boom you're back were you started or worse...

    I almost slipped today when doing food shopping, I looked at some delicious looking chocolate moose thing in my local supermarket and had to exert real will power not to buy it... why because it's a slippery slope for me, I know if I get one the chances are I'll get another and then another each time I go and before I know it I'm eating like I used to.

    Good on you for having the strength to pull yourself out of your set back and move forward.
  • No reason to be ashamed! We're all human, and we tend to slip around sometimes. Good for you for coming in here to talk about it, and being ready to get back on track. A good role model doesn't always have an easy path... it's important to show how you move forward even if you have a few obstacles :)